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研究生(外文):Li-syun Jhong
論文名稱(外文):Planning and Design of an Agent Model for Cloud Service System
口試委員(外文):Feng-ChaoYangNeng-Chung WangWoei-Jiunn Tsaur
中文關鍵詞:雲端運算代理人PASSI 方法論Google 雲端服務
外文關鍵詞:Cloud ComputingAgentPASSI MethodologyGoogle Cloud Service
  • 被引用被引用:0
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本研究建置的雲端服務代理人系統具體貢獻如下:(1) 提出雲端服務代理人模型架構:以代理人開發方法論 - PASSI 方法論進行系統分析與設計,將代理人技術結合現有公開的雲端服務系統。 (2) 利用代理人系統推薦機制進行雲端服務的推薦:系統的目的在於提供符合使用者需求的雲端服務,透過推薦機制使用者可以找到符合需求的雲端服務。
Cloud computing is a very popular topic in recent years, not just caused a trend in the IT industry, but also caused fervently discussion in other industries. It is changing use computers’ habit for humans, also bring vast business opportunities. For the development of cloud computing, most of technology companies are actively involved to provide various services to users.
However, this situation will make the expansion and flooding of cloud services, even the possibility of overload. So, how to find the cloud services that matches user requirements will be a great challenge for user.
In this paper we present Cloud Service Agent System (CSAS) framework used by software agents technology, it can help user to find the cloud services that matches user requirements from a large number of cloud services. Users send the service request by interface to CSAS, after process of search, recommendation, and selection, CSAS to provide users the suited cloud services.
The contributions of this paper are (1) presenting Cloud Service Agent System framework: We use the development methodology of agent - PASSI Methodology to analysis and design of our system, and use agent technology to combine with existing public cloud services. (2) Using Cloud Service Agent System to recommend cloud service: The purpose of the system is providing the cloud service that matches user requirements, and through recommendation mechanism user can find the cloud services that matches user requirements.
內 容 目 錄
中文摘要 ...................... i
英文摘要 ...................... ii
致謝 ........................ iii
內容目錄 ...................... iv
表目錄 ....................... vi
圖目錄 ....................... vii
第一章  緒論 ................... 1
  第一節  研究背景與動機............. 1
  第二節  研究目的................ 3
  第三節  論文研究流程.............. 4
  第四節  論文架構................ 6
第二章  文獻探討 ................. 7
  第一節  雲端運算................ 7
  第二節  Google API............... 10
  第三節  軟體代理人............... 12
  第四節  代理人系統開發方法論.......... 16
  第五節  推薦系統................ 20
第三章  系統需求分析 ............... 22
  第一節  系統架構................ 22
  第二節  系統需求模型.............. 24
第四章  系統架構分析與設計 ............ 31
  第一節  代理人社群模型............. 31
  第二節  代理人實作模型............. 36
  第三節  編碼模型................ 42
  第四節  部屬模型................ 42
第五章  系統實作 ................. 44
  第一節  開發工具與平台............. 44
  第二節  JADE 代理人實作平台.......... 45
  第三節  系統操作畫面.............. 47
  第四節  系統評估................ 53
第六章  結論 ................... 57
  第一節  研究貢獻................ 57
  第二節  未來研究方向.............. 57
參考文獻 ...................... 59
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