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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Cellphone User's Attitude and Intention toward Mobile Games: The Moderating Role of Optimum Stimulation Level
外文關鍵詞:Theory of reasoned actionMobile gamePerceived conveniencePerceived ease of useSocial influenceFlow experienceOptimal stimulation level
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Many marketing researches indicated that mobile games are frequently used by cellular phone users. What factors and motivations make those users want to play mobile games? What are the differences between the factors motivating the mobile game players with high and low stimulation levels? This study explores the factors influencing cellular phone users’ intention toward mobile games, and how different optimal stimulation levels (OSL) impact on their intentions to use mobile games. According to theory of reasoned action, flow theory, and mobile device’s characteristics, a research model was hypothesized. A total of 567 effective samples were collected through the web-based survey. The results of the instrument’s validity and reliability testing indicated that both reached the suggested threshold. A structural equation modeling approach was used to test the research model. Those results showed that the purposed model had an acceptable goodness of fit and all hypotheses were sustained. That is, the cellular phone users’ attitude positively influence the intention to use mobile games. The users’ flow experience also positively influence attitude and intention to use mobile games. Perceived convenience, perceived ease-of-use, and social influence have positive impacts on attitude and intention to use mobile games respectively, too. The OSL has a moderating effect on user’s perceived ease-of-use and social influence toward intention to use mobile games. This study establishes an intention model for analyzing user’s motivators toward mobile games. These Findings can provide references for mobile game developers.
中文摘要 ..................... Iii
英文摘要 ..................... Iv
誌謝辭  ..................... V
內容目錄 ..................... Vi
表目錄  ..................... Vii
圖目錄  ..................... Ix
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究背景與動機............ 1
  第二節  研究目的與問題............ 6
  第三節  研究流程............... 6
第二章  文獻探討................. 9
  第一節  理性行動理論............. 9
  第二節  社會影響............... 11
  第三節  沉浸經驗............... 12
  第四節  系統特性............... 17
  第五節  最適刺激水準............. 19
第三章  研究方法................. 21
  第一節  研究模型與假說............ 21
  第二節  變數操作型定義與衡量工具....... 27
  第三節  資料收集............... 31
  第四節  預試分析............... 31
第四章  研究結果................. 33
  第一節  敘述性統計.............. 33
  第二節  測量模型分析............. 38
  第三節  結構模型分析............. 44
  第四節  調節效果............... 47
  第五節  討論................. 54
第五章  結論與建議................ 59
  第一節  研究結論............... 59
  第二節  研究意涵............... 61
  第三節  研究限制............... 62
  第四節  未來研究建議............. 63
參考文獻 ..................... 64
附錄A  正式問卷.................. 77


國際電信聯盟ITU(2010),全球手機用戶普及率[線上資料],來源:http://www.itu.int/en/pages/default.aspx[2010, December 30]。

美國的市場研究機構eMarketer (2010),美國手機營收趨勢[線上資料],來源:http://www.emarketer.com/ [2010, December 30]。

應用程式市調網站148apps.biz (2010),App Store應用程式項目比例[線上資料],來源:http://148apps.biz/categories/all-posts/ [2010, December 30]。

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