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論文名稱(外文):Optimization Control Study of Engine Management System for Direct InjectionCommon Rail Diesel Engine
指導教授(外文):Chang, I-Ping
外文關鍵詞:Common Rail Direct Injection diesel engine management system designMulti-cylinder diesel engine and vehicle driving cycle dynamic simulationMulti-objective optimization searchDiesel engine combustion analysis
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The main purpose of this study is to establish a simulation and analysis methodology for multi-cylinder four-stroke direct-injection common-rail diesel engine management system and to verify the dynamic performance response. The hardware and software of the engine control were combined to display real-time performance parameters with the engine control parameter tuning and multi-objective optimization rules and to verify the engine performance by dynamometer experiments.
This study has built the search program for multi-cylinder four-stroke common rail direct injection diesel engine multi-objective goal attainment optimization control parameters. The fuel consumption and pollution of vehicle driving cycle was converted into engine torque and speed by using the real vehicle parameters. Several key points were sorted from the corresponding map data for steady state estimation measurement. The selected key points control parameters were changed to reduce the overall exhaust emissions. Simulation module and combustion analysis models were used to explore injection pressure, injection timing and the injection duration of engine management system. Engine torque, speed and the relationship between the response of pollutants in the exhaust were optimized and compared with the baseline engine measurement data. Real-time display and record of the engine hardware and software parameters, and control parameters under different engine operating conditions were measured. The engine combustion heat release and its rate were calculated by using engine combustion pressure data and validated with combustion analyzer under different engine operating conditions. The dynamic relationship between control and the response data can be used as future reference for developing of engine management systems. By experimental design and multi-objective optimization search, the experiments time and expanse can be reduced and the efficiency of engine parameters calibration and adjustment can thus be improved.

中文摘要........................................... iii
ABSTRACT.......................................... iv
第一章 緒論.......................................1
1.1 前言..........................................1
1.2 文獻回顧.......................................2
1.2.1 車輛性能模擬分析相關文獻....................... 2
1.2.2 柴油引擎管理系統最佳化設計相關文獻..............4
1.3 研究動機....................................... 8
1.4 本文架構....................................... 9
第二章 研究方法.................................... 10
2.1 行車型態轉換成關鍵點油耗污染模擬模組建立........... 10
2.1.1 行車型態轉換引擎輸出轉速、扭力模組.............. 11
2.1.2 油耗及污染模擬模組............................ 15
2.1.3 排放數據轉換模組.............................. 17
2.1.4 行車型態關鍵點選取模組.........................20
2.2 實驗設計法與多目標最佳化......................... 23
2.2.1 實驗設計法...................................23
2.2.2 多目標性能功效係數最佳化搜尋...................24
2.2.3 多目標達陣最佳化控制參數搜尋...................25
2.3 四行程直接噴射共軌式柴油引擎燃燒分析模組建立.......27
2.4 實驗相關設備...................................29
第三章 四行程直接噴射共軌式柴油引擎性能與油耗污染模擬分析..............36
3.1 四行程直接噴射共軌式柴油引擎性能最佳化模擬分析.....36
3.2 行車型態關鍵點油耗污染最佳化模擬分析..............58
3.3 四行程直接噴射共軌式柴油引擎燃燒分析模擬...........101
3.3.1 定轉速不同扭力................................101
3.3.2 定扭力不同轉速................................105
4.1 四行程直接噴射共軌式柴油引擎性能最佳化驗證.........110
4.2 行車型態關鍵點油耗污染最佳化驗證.................. 112
4.3 四行程直接噴射共軌式柴油引擎燃燒分析驗證........... 115
4.3.1 定轉速不同扭力驗證............................ 115
4.3.2 定扭力不同轉速驗證............................121
第五章 結論與建議................................... 127
5.1 結論..........................................127
5.2 建議事項與未來研究項目..........................128

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