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研究生(外文):Yu-jen Chen
論文名稱(外文):PEDOT film-forming improvement by using aqueous PU
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本研究嘗試以水性聚胺基甲酸酯與PEDOT摻混改善因為PEDOT溶解性質不好所造成加工困難的問題。實驗主要分成三個部分:第一部份利用PSS將EDOT分散於水中與PU水分散液摻混,使用四點探針觀察導電度發現在20phr可以達到4.29×10-3 S/cm。使用DSC以及TGA觀察到PU以及PEDOT之間相容性質不佳,PEDOT的摻混會破壞PU的結晶性質。利用SEM觀察表面成膜性質,隨著PEDOT的加入造成PU表面的不平整甚至裂痕的產生,而PEDOT摻混比例高時會因為過於飽和而單獨出現在PU的表面上。
第三部分使用core-shell的方式製備PU (core)- PEDOT (shell) latex,利用SEM觀察到了core-shell latex的產生,但是導電度相對於第一部份並未更顯著的提升。
In this study, we tried to blend PEDOT with polyurethane to improve the film forming problem of PEDOT. The experiments were divided into three parts: the first part, we dispersed EDOT in poly (4-styrenesulfonic acid) aqueous (aq.) solution, then mixed with PU aq. dispersion, and polymerized the EDOT. We observed the conductivity by using 4-points probe, to be 4.29×10-3 S/cm for sample containing 20 phr of PEDOT. We found the compatibility is not good from DSC and TGA determinations. Blending PEDOT with polyurethane can deteriorate the crystallinity of polyurethane. We observed the film by SEM, and found the surface is not smooth when PU blending with PEDOT. When the ratio of PEDOT is too high, PEDOT would appear alone in the surface.
The second part experiment dissolved EDOT in DMF and blended the solution with polyurethane aq. dispersion. We tried to find the doping effect of the sulfonate functional groups on polyurethane. Sulfonate content in the blend is not a good, leading to poor conductivity.
In the third part experiment we tried to prepare core (polyurethane)- shell (PEDOT) latex. We wished to generate core-shell latex, but the conductivity didn’t increase a lot than part one.
摘要 II
Abstracts III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
第一章 簡介 1
第二章 實驗 5
2-1 實驗藥品 5
2-1-1聚胺酯的部分: 5
2-1-2聚二氧乙基噻吩的部分 7
2-2 實驗儀器 10
2-3 實驗流程 12
2-3-1 利用水性聚胺基甲酸酯摻混聚二氧乙基噻吩 12
2-3-2 In-situ PEDOT 15
2-3-3 利用NaANS乳化聚合PEDOT 17
2-3-4. Core-Shell 18
2-4性質測量方法 19
2-4-1. 導電度測試 19
2-4-2. 高解析可變真空掃描式電子顯微鏡分析 19
2-4-3. 熱重分析儀分析 20
2-4-4. 調幅式示差掃描分析儀分析 20
2-4-5. 霍氏轉換紅外線光譜儀分析 20
第三章 結果與討論 26
3-1 水性聚胺基甲酸酯分析 26
3-2 利用水性聚胺基甲酸酯摻混聚二氧乙基噻吩 28
3-3 以Core-Shell方式製備PU-PEDOT composite 32
3-4 結論 34
參考文獻 59
附錄A 60
附錄B 83
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