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研究生(外文):ching-ying chen
論文名稱(外文):Marketing ethics in telemarketing:The case of Taiwan’s life insurance industry
外文關鍵詞:Telemarketingperceived ethical climateperceived regulationoutcome based controlsinsurance
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在台灣,有越來越多的保險公司正嘗試使用電話行銷來銷售保險。然而,電話行銷可能會導致某些道德上的問題(例如,錯誤的訊息陳述以及侵犯隱私權)。基於過去的文獻和實證研究,本文試圖探討產出基礎控制 (outcome based controls) 對保險電話行銷人員的道德會產生什麼影響,而對政府監理認知 (perceived regulations) 及倫理氣候認知 (perceived ethical climate) 的調節角色也進行了討論。本研究是重要的,因為產出基礎控制已經在保險電話行銷裡被廣泛的使用著。此外,處理不道德的銷售是保險監理者的任務之一。當產出基礎控制被加重的使用時,政府的監理還能降低不道德的電話行銷嗎? 因為行銷道德影響消費者的福利,而缺乏行銷道德或雪|使保險電話行銷的未來發展受到阻礙,我們因此相信有必要探索此一議題。
In Taiwan, more and more insurance companies are trying to sell insurance through telemarketing. However, telemarketing may result in some ethical problems (e.g., information misrepresentation and the invasion of privacy). Drawing on previous literature and empirical research, this study tries to explore the impact of outcome based controls on insurance telemarketers’ ethical decision making, while the moderating roles of perceived regulations and perceived ethical climate are discussed. This study is important because outcome based controls are widely used in the insurance telemarketing. Moreover, dealing with unethical selling is one of the tasks for insurance regulators. While outcome based controls are heavily employed, can governmental regulations still alleviate unethical telemarketing? Since marketing ethics affects customer welfare, and the lack of marketing ethics may create a barrier to the further usage of insurance telemarketing, we therefore believe it is necessary to discuss the issue.
These questionnaires simulate the practical selling scenario of life insurance telemarketers. The results indicated that company’s acceptance of the unethical selling, the pervasion of the unethical selling, and personal ethical judgments were positively related to the ethical intention of telemarketers. The findings also showed that the use of punishment was more likely to encourage telemarketers to perform a severe unethical act (constantly harassed customers).
第一章 緒論............................................................1
第一節 研究動機 .....................................................1
第二節 研究目的......................................................5
第三節 研究流程......................................................6
第四節 研究內容......................................................7
第二章 文獻探討........................................................8
第一節 電話行銷與商業道德相關文獻探討................................8
第二節 電話行銷相關之法律規範.......................................11
第三節 獎懲制度之相關文獻探討.......................................13
第四節 倫理氣候之相關文獻探討.......................................14
第三章 研究方法.......................................................16
第一節 研究架構.....................................................16
第二節 研究假設.....................................................18
第三節 問卷設計.....................................................20
第四節 研究對象與範圍...............................................24
第五節 研究限制.....................................................25
第六節 資料分析與統計方法...........................................26
第四章 資料分析與研究結果.............................................29
第一節 次數分配統計.................................................29
第二節 各構面樣本敘述統計量分析.....................................31
第三節 因素分析與信度分析...........................................33
第四節 調節角色與不道德銷售行為之相關分析...........................38
第五節 獎懲制度與不道德銷售行為之差異性分析.........................40
第六節 調節角色與不道德銷售行為之影響性分析.........................43
第五章 結論與建議.....................................................50
第一節 結論.........................................................50
第二節 建議.........................................................51
附錄一 保險業辦理電話行銷業務應注意事項...............................60
附錄二 人身保險業辦理傳統型個人人壽保險契約審噹褻’菻蒆W範............66
附錄三 問卷...........................................................68
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7.吳明隆(民97),SPSS 操作與應用:多變量分析實務,台北:五南書局。

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