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研究生(外文):Jun-Hong Chen
論文名稱(外文):Formation of Solid Solutions of Ternary Carbides by Combustion Synthesis
指導教授(外文):Chun-Liang Yeh
外文關鍵詞:SHSSEMSolid SolutionsTernary carbidesXRD
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本實驗研究係利用自持傳遞高溫合成法(Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, SHS),在氬氣環境下進行燃燒合成三元碳化物固溶體(Ti,Nb)2AlC、(Cr,V)2AlC及Ti3(Al,Si)C2之實驗研究,並觀察不同比例的初始粉末、反應物組態對其火焰鋒面傳遞速度、火焰鋒面傳遞模式、燃燒反應溫度和產物轉換的影響。
Formation of the solid solutions of ternary carbides (Ti,Nb)2AlC, (Cr,V)2AlC, and Ti3(Al,Si)C2, was conducted by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS). For the preparation of (Ti,Nb)2AlC, three reactant mixtures composed of Ti-Nb-Al-C, Ti-Nb2O5-Al-C, and Ti-Nb2O5-Al-Al4C3 were adopted. The solid solution of (Cr,V)2AlC was synthesized from the powder compacts of Cr2O3-V2O5-Al-C and Cr2O3-V2O5-Al-C-VC. The TiC-, SiC-, and Al4C3-added samples were used to produce Ti3(Al,Si)C2. The effect of sample stoichiometry was studied on the product composition and morphology, combustion wave velocity, and reaction temperature.
The combustion process proceeded with a self-sustaining reaction front. For the reactant compacts of Ti-Nb-Al-C and Ti-Nb2O5-Al-C, the increase of Ti content in (Ti,Nb)2AlC increased the combustion velocity. Although the reversed trend was observed for the samples composed of Ti-Nb2O5-Al-Al4C3, the combustion velocity and temperature of the Ti-Nb2O5-Al-Al4C3 sample were higher than those of the Ti-Nb-Al-C and Ti-Nb2O5-Al-C powder compacts. The reaction front velocity was almost independent of the initial composition of the Cr2O3-V2O5-Al-C samples. With the addition of VC, the combustion velocity decreased with Cr content in the product (Cr,V)2AlC. On account of the variation of reaction exothermicity with sample stoichiometry, it was found that with an increase in the Al content of as-synthesized Ti3(Al,Si)C2 the combustion temperature and reaction front velocity decreased moderately for the TiC-added sample but substantially for the sample adopting Al4C3. However, a significant increase in both combustion wave temperature and velocity was observed for the SiC-added sample.
The XRD analysis indicates that in addition to the dominant phase (Ti,Nb)2AlC, there are secondary phases TiC, NbC, NbAl3, and Nb2Al. The optimal product was obtained from the Ti-Nb-Al-C sample. For the formation of (Cr,V)2AlC, the binary carbide Cr7C3 was detected as the minor phase and the optimal composition of the product was obtained from the sample without addition of VC. On the synthesis of Ti3(Al,Si)C2, the final products contain TiC as a second phase and some other minor species like SiC and Ti3Al. For the Al4C3-added samples, however, the resulting products are dominated by TiC. According to the experimental evidence, the TiC-containing sample is the most favorable for the preparation of Ti3(Si,Al)C2 through the SHS process.

第一章 緒論……………………...……………………...…………………1
1. 1 研究背景….……………………………………………………...…1
1. 2 三元化合物及固溶體之文獻回顧……….………………………...5
1. 2. 1 (Ti,Nb)2AlC之相關文獻………...……………………………..6
1. 2. 2 (Cr,V)2AlC之相關文獻…………………………...…………...7
1. 2. 3 Ti3(Al,Si)C2之相關文獻……..…………...…….....…………...8
1. 3 研究目的…………………………..……………….………..………9
第二章 研究方法……….…………...…………..……………..…………11
2. 1 試片配置.……………………………..………………...…………11
2. 1. 1 燃燒合成固溶體(Ti,Nb)2AlC之試片配置………..….………11
2. 1. 2 燃燒合成固溶體(Cr,V)2AlC之試片配置……...........……….12
2. 1. 3 燃燒合成固溶體Ti3(Al,Si)C2之試片配置….………...…...…13
2. 2 燃燒室主體…………..………………………...…………………..14
2. 3 資料擷取系統……….…………………………………………..…15
2. 4 影像擷取系統……….…………………………………………..…15
2. 5 產物分析…………….…………………………………………..…16
第三章 結果與討論…………………………………….………………...17
3. 1 燃燒合成固溶體(Ti,Nb)2AlC…………………………...…….......17
3. 1. 1 燃燒火焰觀察……………...………………...…….…………17
3. 1. 2 燃燒溫度量測…………………………………...……………18
3. 1. 3 火焰鋒面傳遞速度……………………………...……………19
3. 1. 4 產物分析與微結構觀察………………………...……………20
3. 2 燃燒合成固溶體(Cr,V)2AlC…………………………...…………21
3. 2. 1 燃燒火焰觀察…………………………...……………………21
3. 2. 2 火焰鋒面傳遞速度………...…………………………………22
3. 2. 3 產物分析與微結構觀察……………...………………………23
3. 3 燃燒合成固溶體Ti3(Al,Si)C2之結果討論….……………….……24
3. 3. 1 燃燒火焰觀察………………………………...………………24
3. 3. 2 燃燒溫度量測…………………………………………….......25
3. 3. 2 火焰鋒面傳遞速度…………………………...………………26
3. 3. 3 產物分析與微結構觀察…………………...…………………27
第四章 結論………………………………………………………………29
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