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研究生(外文):Tien-ping Liu
論文名稱(外文):A Conceptual Analysis of Hi-Tech Product Strategy: Innovative or Imitative?
指導教授(外文):Lee-Lien Huang
外文關鍵詞:Product StrategyInnovationImitationSmartphoneDiffusionCritical Mass
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Technology evolution always plays a key role of economic growth; the process to fulfill novelty idea and diffuse wildly is innovation and imitation. Much literature has studies innovation importance, but less attention has been paid to the imitation. To understand the implications of imitation to competitive advantage, we should consider that companies play dual roles of innovator and imitator in their new product development strategy.
This thesis attempts to address two questions: first, how innovations and imitations help Hi-Tech product to diffuse? In this thesis, we examine Smartphone developing trajectory. Evidence shows that innovation and imitation help Smartphone technologies diffuse on critical mass, the booming stage. Second, what strategy of Hi-Tech companies should adopt for their new product development? Be an innovator or imitator? We develop a strategic matrix in terms of different markets and technologies risk associated with the product.
According to the result and analysis, for technology diffusion, Smartphone companies adopt different strategy in terms of different markets and technologies. To be an innovator or an imitator doesn’t matter.

Key Words: Innovation, Imitation, Diffusion, Critical Mass,
Smartphone, Product Strategy

Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………….1

1.1 Research Background ……………………………….1
1.2 Research Motivation…………………………………5
1.3 Research Purpose…………………………………….7
1.4 Research Process……………………………………..8
1.5 Thesis Structure…………………………………… .11

Chapter 2 Literature Review…………………………………….12

2.1 Definition of Innovation…………………………….13
2.2 Definition of Imitation……………………….……...15
2.3 New Product Development Speed….……………….19
2.4 Technology Diffusion………………………………..21
2.5 Market Risks…………………………………………26
2.6 Innovation or Imitation Strategy…..……………….28

Chapter 3 Research Methodology ……………..………………..33

3.1 Research Methodology-Content Analysis………….33
3.2 Process of Content Analysis…..…………………….34

Chapter 4 Hi-Tech Product………………………………………..36

4.1 Hi-Tech Product Literature Review…………………36
4.2 Innovation/Imitation Strategy Matrix..……………...44
4.3 Mobile Phone Industry…. …………………………....47
4.4 Mobile Phone Diffusion……………………………….49
4.5 Smart Phone Development……………………………50
4.6 Smart Phone Diffusion………………………………...55
4.7 Innovation /Imitation Strategy Matrix Application… 57

Chapter 5 Analysis and Discussion………………………………...58

5.1 Innovation Models…………………………………….58
5.2 Tendency-Smartphone is on Critical Mass……….… 60
5.3 Disruptive Innovation-Shenzhai Phone ……………..61
5.4 New Generation Innovation- Sixth Sense System..….63
5.5 Android OS (Operating System)……………………..65

Chapter 6 Conclusion and Suggestion…………………………….67

6.1 Conclusion……………………………………………67
6.2 Suggestion to Future Study……………………..…...68


List of Figures

Figure 1. Research Process ………………….…………….…10

Figure 2. Diffusion S Curve ……………………………….... 22

Figure 3. Adopters Bell Curve ………………………………23

Figure 4. Roger’s Innovation Curve ………………………..25

Figure 5. Global ICT Developments, 1998-2009 ………..... .48

Figure 6. Mobile Phone Diffusion Curve……………….…...49

Figure 7. Smartphone Diffusion, Source ……………………55

Figure 8. Innovation Models….. …………………………….61

Figure 9. China Gray-Market Handset Forecast…...............62

List of Tables

Table 1. Risk Levels and Impact on Execution…………………..27
Table 2. Throughout the twentieth century ‘late entrants’
have been surpassing pioneers…………………………..29
Table 3. Innovation / Imitation Strategy Matrix (1)..……………45
Table 4. Risk Level Strategy……………………………………... 45
Table 5. Innovation /Imitation Strategy Matrix (2) …………….45
Table 6. Smartphone Development………………………………51
Table 7. Overview of Operating Systems for Smartphone……...53
Table 8. Operating System for Smartphone…………………….53
Table 9. Smartphone Sales to End User by Vendor………….….54
Table 10. Smartphone Units Shipped 2010……………………...55
Table 11. Innovation / Imitation Matrix Application….………..57

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