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研究生(外文):Wen-kuan Yen
論文名稱(外文):Optimization of Intercity Bus Terminal Strategy-A Case Strategy of Taichung Chau-Ma Terminal
指導教授(外文):Ket-tsung Lee
外文關鍵詞:Transfer stationOptimal departing time intervalCongestion cost
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本研究透過解析性模式(Analytical Model),以班距為模式設計變數,建構業者與乘客因轉運站之設置所反映之相關成本並考慮到因營運方式之班次數變動將對外部環境發生擁擠成本,建構成本總和最小化之目標函數。經模式最適化與載客容量限制,決定進入轉運站之最適路線與最適營運班距。
Taichung City is located in the geographic center of the western Taiwan where traffic converges and there are frequent intercity transport and regional transport. After the integration of Taichung City with Taichung County to be upgraded to municipality status, it is foreseeable that both intercity transport and regional transport will significantly increase. To reduce traffic volume and to reduce the traffic load of external roads, Taichung Municipal intends to use the establishment of transfer station to improve the traffic order around the interchange and to prevent the frequent on/off ramp by long-distance buses from leaning to regional traffic chaos. Moreover, the cooperation between Taichung Municipal and regional bus companies for overall planning deserves to be promoted.
This study chose Chouma Transfer Station as the research scope to investigate and analyze the overall public transport in the central Taiwan. It is hoped that the establishment of transfer station as transport hub in the central Taiwan can provide complete shuttle service to achieve the objectives of provision of instantaneous and borderless overall transport service.
This study used Analytical Model where departing time interval was used as a variable to establish relevant costs reflected by bus companies and passengers due to the establishment of transfer station. In addition, the change in number of bus runs as a result of operation method was taken into consideration to investigate the congestion cost to external environment, and establish the objective function of minimization of the sum of cost. After the implementation of model optimization and passenger capacity constraints, the optimal route and optimal departing time internal were determined.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景與目的 1
1.2研究範圍與限制 2
1.3研究方法與架構 2
1.4研究內容與流程 2
1.4.1研究內容 2
1.4.2研究流程圖 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 轉運站定義 5
2.1.1轉運站分類 5
2.2轉運/接駁相關文獻 15
2.2.1轉運系統概念 15
2.2.2 轉運路線設計 17
2.3 外部成本相關文獻 28
2.4 最適規模相關文獻 31
2.5 文獻綜合評析與啟示 33
第三章 轉運站規模最適化分析 36
3.1 問題說明 36
3.2 模式構想與假設 36
3.3模式符號及名詞定義 37
3.3.1 名詞定義 37
3.4模式參數 38
3.5模式目標函數 39
3.6模式構建與求解 41
3.6.1模式最佳化 41
3.6.2模式求解程序 42
3.6.3模式求解 43
第四章簡例驗證分析 45
4.1簡例設計 45
4.2參數項目說明 45
4.3原始資料結果分析 47
4.3.1小結 59
4.4敏感度分析 59
4.4.1等車時間價值 59
4.4.2國道車輛單位營運成本 60
4.4.3國道車輛衍生外部成本 60
4.4.4小結 61
第五章 結論與建議 61
5.1結論 62
5.2建議 62
參考文獻 64
簡歷 68
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