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研究生(外文):Tung-Nan Huang
論文名稱:探討回收廢輪胎橡膠對綠色高爾夫球產業結構的影響-以Wilson Eco Golf Balls品牌為例
論文名稱(外文):Investigate the impact of Recycled Rubber Tireon Green Golf Balls Industry-A case of Wilson Eco Golf Balls
外文關鍵詞:Resource-basedGreen productsFive Forces AnalysisValue chainTechnological innovation
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根據報告 (Howmade.com 2009),美國一年約生產出8.50億顆高爾夫球,這個數量還在持續地增加當中,代表著這個產業所需求的原物料更加急切,其中以橡膠(Rubber)的需求最為重要。橡膠使用量約占一顆高爾夫球的40%~50%的重量,預估一年高爾夫球產業使用約4.0 ~ 4.5萬噸的橡膠(Rubber),但極少有高爾夫球的回收系統,而在球心材質方面更是少之又少。



According to reports (Howmade.com 2009), there were 850 million of Golf balls been produced annually and the volumes are still going up, that means the raw materials will be required to cover the production in order to meet the huge requirement. Especially, the Rubber source is the primary priority. After study, the volume of Rubber materials is approx. 40 ~ 50% weight of entire Golf balls, thus there are approx.40,000 ~ 45,000 tons of Rubber being used for Golf ball industry annually, but it is rare to see the recycle system in Golf ball, especially in the Golf ball core resource.

This case was investigated through the theories of Five (Six) Forces, Value chain and what is the Green Golf ball industry impact of Recycled Rubber Tire. This case was adopted by the Qualitative research method which was based for the interview and data analysis, and it is understood how was effected and impacted on the industrial structure and Value chain after introduced the Recycled Rubber Tire.

Based on the conclusions, the structure powers of Competitive rivalry within an industry, Threat of substitute products and Threat of new entrants were became weak, but the structure powers of Bargaining power of Customers, Bargaining power of Suppliers and Complementary products were became strong after introduced. The structure of Value chain of Suppliers, Manufacturers and Buyers were changed for orders. Besides, we have also analyzed and figured out the main factors of Barriers to entry which were included the source of Recycled Rubber tire supplier, build up the process and core technology and Patent application & approval.

Keywords: Green products, Five Forces Analysis, Value chain, Resource-based and Technological innovation.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 4
第四節 研究流程與架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 綠色產品 7
第二節 五力分析 12
一、五力分析之發展與價值概述 12
二、五力分析架構與說明 12
三、六力分析模型 18
第三節 價值鏈 19
第四節 資源基礎理論 22
第五節 技術創新與技術擴散 26
一、技術創新 26
二、技術擴散 29
第三章 研究設計與實施 32
第一節 方法基礎與採用方法 32
第二節 研究對象 33
第三節 研究設計 35
一、研究計畫 35
二、資料類別 35
第四節 研究流程 37
第四章 個案研究 38
第一節 個案公司背景 38
一、背景介紹 38
二、Wilson Golf 重大沿革 39
第二節 產品介紹 41
一、產品種類 41
二、產品結構 43
第三節 產品生產流程 45
第四節 USGA標準 46
第五節 導入新材料的影響與現況 47
第六節 高爾夫球競爭者及市場狀況 48
第五章 訪談結果 53
一、綠色產品 54
二、五力分析及六力分析 55
三、價值鏈 69
四、資源基礎 71
五、技術創新 72
六、技術擴散 74
第六章 結論與建議 76
第一節 研究結論 76
一、 導入回收廢輪胎橡膠後對綠色高爾夫球產業結構的影響─五力及六力分析 77
二、 導入回收廢輪胎橡膠於綠色高爾夫球產業價值鏈的影響及變化 80
三、產業影響效果 82
第二節 研究貢獻 90
第三節 研究建議 91
第四節 研究限制 92
參考文獻 93


3.中國免費名錄資源 ,檢自: www.resource.emagecompany.com。









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