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論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Leadership Styles of Head of Department and the Business Process Rebuilding -An Example of G Company
外文關鍵詞:Transactional LeadershipTransformational LeadershipBusiness Process ReengineeringCritical Success FactorLeadership styles
  • 被引用被引用:7
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The research was mainly to explore the relationship between the leadership styles adopted by the department head while doing business process reengineering and the success factors of business process reengineering; the qualitative research was adopted to aim at seven people of different department in G company to do the deep interview, and the interview content was done according to department, implementation step of business process reengineering, and influential factor. The results showed that the development department, production department, and warehouse management section mixed to use transformational leadership and transactional leadership to increase the implementation effect, and the production management section, quality assurance department, procurement section, and injection department used transformational leadership; when the department head was doing the steps of business process reengineering, and the work content was establishing a common consensus and design planning, he or she would use transformational leadership, but if the work content was of execution dimension, he or she would mix to use transformational leadership and transactional leadership to increase the implementation effect. At the part of interview data analysis results, it was known that in addition to researching the crucial success factors as in the past when G company was doing the business process reengineering, the degree of mutual trust between the chief and the subordinates, and the spirit of active service and improvement would also affect business process reengineering.
The research’s conclusion was that if the step of business process reengineering belonged to the execution dimension and G company’s nature of work belongs to the department of implementation, transformational leadership and transactional leadership were mixed to use; as for other steps and departments, transformational leadership was used solely.
誌謝辭 ------------------------------------------------ i
中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------- ii
英文摘要 ---------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 -------------------------------------------------- iv
第一章 緒論 ------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究背景 --------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究動機 --------------------------------------- 2
第三節 研究目的 --------------------------------------- 4
第四節 研究流程與研究範圍 ----------------------------- 4
第二章 文獻探討 --------------------------------------- 6
第一節 企業流程再造 ----------------------------------- 6
第二節 高階主管的領導行為 ----------------------------- 10
第三章 研究方法 -------------------------------------- 15
第一節 研究方法 --------------------------------------- 15
第二節 研究對象 --------------------------------------- 16
第三節 研究設計 --------------------------------------- 18
第四節 研究流程 --------------------------------------- 20
第四章 資料分析與結果 --------------------------------- 21
第一節 訪談題目說明 ---------------------------------- 21
第二節 各部門的領導型態 ------------------------------ 23
第三節 各步驟的領導型態 ------------------------------ 36
第四節 影響企業流程再造的其他因素 -------------------- 46
第五章 結論與建議 ------------------------------------ 50
第一節 研究結論 -------------------------------------- 50
第二節 研究貢獻 -------------------------------------- 53
第三節 研究限制 -------------------------------------- 54
第四節 未來研究建議 ---------------------------------- 55
中文參考文獻 ------------------------------------------ 56
英文參考文獻 ------------------------------------------ 57
附錄一 訪談題目 --------------------------------------- 60
附錄二 訪談濃縮資料(部份) --------------------------- 61
圖目錄------------------------------------------------- v
圖3.2 G公司主要產品分類 -------------------------- 17
圖3.3 G公司組織圖 ------------------------------------ 19
圖3.4 研究流程圖 -------------------------------------- 20

表目錄 ------------------------------------------------ vi 
表2-1 企業流程再造之實施步驟 -------------------------- 8
表2-2 企業流程再造關鍵的成它]素 ---------------------- 10
表2-3 領導的定義 -------------------------------------- 11
表3-2 G公司產品別與競爭對手 -------------------------- 17
表3-3-1 訪談對象 -------------------------------------- 18
表4-2-1 領導型態的領導風格 ---------------------------- 23
表4-2-2 生管課訪談資料 -------------------------------- 24
表4-2-3 採講課訪談資料 -------------------------------- 26
表4-2-4 生產部訪談資料 -------------------------------- 28
表4-2-5 資材部倉管課訪談資料 -------------------------- 30
表4-2-6 開發部訪談資料 -------------------------------- 31
表4-2-7 射出部訪談資料 -------------------------------- 32
表4-2-8 品保部訪談資料 -------------------------------- 34
表4-3-1:建立共識步驟的訪談資料 ----------------------- 36
表4-3-2 診斷流程步驟的訪談資料 ------------------------ 38
表4-3-3 重新設計步驟的訪談資料 ------------------------ 40
表4-3-4 程序實施步驟的訪談資料 ------------------------ 44
表4-4-1 影響企業流程再造的訪談資料 -------------------- 46
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4.林明杰博士 林鴻均 領導風格對團隊學習行為之影響 企業管理學研究所碩士論文/中華民國九十三年七月
5.黃同圳博士 王延立 中央大學 人力資源管理研究所碩士論文
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