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研究生(外文):Huang, Wen-Bin
論文名稱(外文):Implementation and Analysis of A Parallel Retinex Algorithm
指導教授(外文):Wang, Yuan-Kai
口試委員(外文):Shih, Sheng-WenChang, Yang-Lang
外文關鍵詞:Parallel ComputingCUDAGPU ComputingRetinexImage EnhancementImage Restoration
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Retinex是一種可將影像還原成原始面貌之影像還原方法。在各種方法中,center/surround Retinex演算法是最有利於平行化,這是因為此演算法利用大的核心尺寸來實現動態範圍壓縮與色彩/亮度的呈現。此演算法對於影像強化密集計算能力非常地強大,而且時間複雜度非常地高,其時間複雜度為O(M3)。本文提出的一個名為GPURetinex的演算法,此演算法是一種藉由GPGPU/CUDA來平行化Retinex之資料平行演算法,並利用大規模的平行架構與階層式記憶體來改善效率。此外在本文中,我們詳細地討論Retinex的計算分析,包含循序的時間複雜度、平行的時間複雜度與理想的加速比。在實驗中,我們使用了GT200 GPU與CUDA 3.2。其實驗結果表示在影像解析度為4096 x 4096時,此GPURetinex與藉由OpenCV實作出最佳的單執行緒CPU版本相比較,其GPURetinex能夠獲得74倍的加速而其平行效率為71.37%。此方法也超越一個基於NPP之平行的Retinex實作。我們的實驗結果指出,使用GPGPU/CUDA能夠獲得大量的效能加速與即時的性能。
Retinex is an image restoration method that can restore the image’s original appearance. Among various approaches the center/surround Retinex algorithm is favorable for parallelization because it utilizes a convolution operation with large kernel size to achieve dynamic range compression and color/lightness rendition. Its great capability in image enhancement comes with intensive computation and has the high time complexity of O(M3). This paper presents a GPURetinex algorithm, which is a data parallel algorithm devised by parallelizing the Retinex based on GPGPU/CUDA. The GPURetinex algorithm exploits GPGPU’s massively parallel architecture and hierarchical memory to improve efficiency. In addition, a computational analysis of Retinex is discussed in detail in this paper, including serial time complexity, parallel time complexity, and ideal speedup. In our experiments, the GT200 GPU and CUDA 3.2 are employed. The experimental results show that the GPURetinex can gain 74 times speedup compared with the optimized single-threaded CPU implementation by OpenCV for the images with 4096 x 4096 resolution and the parallel efficiency is 71.37%. The proposed method also outperforms a parallel Retinex implementation based on the NPP. Our experimental results indicate that using GPGPU/CUDA can acquire great performance acceleration and gain real-time performance.
Abstract (in Chinese)......................................i
Acknowledgement (in Chinese).............................iii
List of Tables.............................................v
List of Figures...........................................vi
Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................1
Chapter 2 Background.......................................6
2.1 Computational Model of Retinex Algorithms..............6
2.2 Parallel Processing by GPGPU’s Many-core..............11
Chapter 3 The GPURetinex Method...........................15
Chapter 4 Computational Analysis of the Parallel Retinex Algorithm.................................................31
Chapter 5 Experimental Results............................41
5.1 Enhanced Results......................................42
5.2 Speedups of Retinex Algorithms........................52
5.3 Time Proportions of each Retinex Step.................57
5.4 Speedups of each Retinex Step.........................60
5.5 Gflops Performance....................................63
5.6 K.....................................................66
5.7 Analysis and Discussion of Parallel Histogramming.....70
5.8 Discussion for one Additional Implementation..........73
Chapter 6 Conclusions.....................................75
Appendix A. Serial Analysis of Retinex....................84
Appendix B. Parallel Analysis of Retinex..................86
Appendix C. Execution Time of Seven Parts in the Retinex Algorithm.................................................93

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