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研究生(外文):Lu, Shihfeng
論文名稱(外文):The effect of screen polarity and color for the reading accuracy on image.
指導教授(外文):Huang, RonghwaShih, Yinuo
口試委員(外文):Tsai, TungiHuang, ChinglienHuang, RonghwaShih, Yinuo
外文關鍵詞:screen polaritybackground colorreading accuracy on image
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Message often transmitting by image, color and text, and so to achieve the purpose, the way transmit the message will impact the thoughts and response mode to receiver, how to enhance the message function effectively by using color and image, to receive and to deliver the visual effect to the reader. Thus achieving the purpose of effective transmission information, color image and reading comprehension for the fields are the cognitive important issue. Reading comprehension of image related research in management is also very important for the message recipients in the operating environment, the background color of the image to read what is positive or negative, will be directly related to the quality and efficiency of the work is indeed worthy of discussion.
Graph contains reading speed, reading accuracy and reading durability, etc., in which accuracy is most important, this research background color of the image impact of the accuracy of reading comprehension, which made four assumptions: first of all, the screen polarity will affect the image accuracy of reading comprehension. Secondly, the background color of the screen will affect the accuracy of image reading comprehension. Thirdly, the appropriate background color of the background image will improve the accuracy of reading comprehension. Finally, the background color preferences will increase the accuracy for reading comprehension image. By using intelligence question to test the image understanding, for the use of laboratory study.
This study focus on the study for the impact form background color to reading comprehension. The conclusions shows the correct choosing for the opposite of polarity screen image will increase the accuracy for reading comprehension significantly, if the background color choose appropriately will enhance the image reading comprehension effectively. From choosing the appropriate background color for the screen, will help enhance the readying accuracy effectually.
Normally, the proper combination for polarity and background color transmit the positive effect for understand the readying, which significantly improved the accuracy of reading comprehension. According to the study that found out the effective application will be useful and accurate improve reading positively related image, such as: user interface design, graphic design, information and communication design, etc., in which may be widely use in many careers, such as: operations management, marketing management, etc..

目 錄

第 壹 章 緒論....................................................................................................1
第 一 節 問題背景與研究動機..................................................................1
第 二 節 研究目的......................................................................................5
第 三 節 研究限制與範圍..........................................................................6
第 四 節 研究流程與論文架構..................................................................7
第 貳 章 文獻探討..........................................................................................11
第 一 節 色彩理論與應用........................................................................11
第 二 節 閱讀與閱讀理解........................................................................23
第 三 節 圖形閱讀....................................................................................28
第 參 章 研究方法..........................................................................................30
第 一 節 研究架構與假設........................................................................30
第 二 節 實驗設計....................................................................................33
第 三 節 實驗流程與工具........................................................................35
第 肆 章 實驗結果分析與討論......................................................................37
第 一 節 實驗執行....................................................................................37
第 二 節 資料分析與彙整........................................................................38
第 三 節 討論............................................................................................52
第 伍 章 結論與建議......................................................................................54
第 一 節 研究發現與結論........................................................................54
第 二 節 未來研究方向與建議................................................................55

表 目 錄

表2-1-1 色彩理論相關文獻彙整.......................................................................11
表2-2-1 閱讀定義之相關文獻彙整...................................................................24
表2-2-2 閱讀理解理論之相關文獻彙整...........................................................25
表4-1-1 問卷調查樣本.......................................................................................38
表4-2-1 螢幕極性組別統計量...........................................................................39
表4-2-2 螢幕極性對圖形閱讀準確度影響之t檢定統計量摘要.....................39
表4-2-3 相異顏色對影響閱讀績效之變異數分析統計摘要...........................40
表4-2-4 相異顏色對圖形閱讀準確度影響之Scheffe法統計量彙整..............41
表4-2-5 相異顏色對圖形閱讀準確度影響之Scheffe法統計量簡表..............43
表4-2-6 陽性紅色背景調整前後組別統計量...................................................44
表4-2-7 陽性紅色背景調整前後對圖形閱讀準確度影響之t檢定統計量.....45
表4-2-8 陽性綠色背景調整前後組別統計量...................................................45
表4-2-9 陽性綠色背景調整前後對圖形閱讀準確度影響之t檢定統計量.....46
表4-2-10 陽性藍色背景調整前後組別統計量.................................................46
表4-2-11 陽性藍色背景調整前後對圖形閱讀準確度影響之t檢定統計量...47
表4-2-12 陰性紅色背景調整前後組別統計量.................................................47
表4-2-13 陰性紅色背景調整前後對圖形閱讀準確度影響之t檢定統計量...48
表4-2-14 陰性綠色背景調整前後組別統計量.................................................48
表4-2-15 陰性綠色背景調整前後對圖形閱讀準確度影響之t檢定統計量...49
表4-2-16 陰性藍色背景調整前後組別統計量.................................................49
表4-2-17 陰性藍色背景調整前後對圖形閱讀準確度影響之t檢定統計量...50
表4-2-18 陽性背景顏色喜好組別統計量.........................................................51
表4-2-19 陽性背景顏色喜好對圖形閱讀準確度影響之t檢定統計量...........51
表4-2-20 陰性背景顏色喜好組別統計量.........................................................52
表4-2-21 陰性背景顏色喜好對圖形閱讀準確度影響之t檢定統計量...........52

圖 目 錄

圖1-4-1 研究流程.................................................................................................8
圖3-1-1 研究架構...............................................................................................31
圖4-2-1 實驗一樣本分配圖...............................................................................38
圖4-2-2 實驗二樣本分配圖...............................................................................40
圖4-2-3 實驗三樣本分配圖...............................................................................44
圖4-2-4 實驗四樣本分配圖...............................................................................50

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