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研究生(外文):Hou-Wen Li
論文名稱(外文):Characteristics of Fine Particulate in Ambient Air in Kaohsiung Area
指導教授(外文):Chin-Hsing Lai
外文關鍵詞:OCsecondary organic carbonsupersiteparticulateEC
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結果顯示:高雄地區PM10質量濃度在23~68 μgm-3之間,PM2.5質量濃度在15~45μgm-3之間,且PM10、PM2.5與其它各化學成分Nitrate、Sulfate、OC及EC都呈現出夏季濃度低、冬季濃度高的趨勢,可能受到大陸高壓南下及季風影響,使得冬季懸浮微粒濃度有升高之現象。此外,在冬季CO常呈現高濃度,顯示冬季氣象條件不利微粒擴散,導致懸浮微粒易滯留而累積成高濃度。

The monitoring data from 2006 to 2010 of EPA’s particulate super-station in southern Taiwan-Fooyin University core station was used to analyze the chemical characteristics of atmospheric particulates. The analytical methods were classified the high concentrations of episode days and non-episode days.
The analytical results showed that the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 were about 23~68 μgm-3 and 15~45 μgm-3, respectively. The trends of PM10, PM2.5 and the other chemical compositions of nitrate, sulfate, OC and EC presented the low concentration in summer and the high concentration in winter, respectively. The reasons might be the high atmospheric pressure and monsoon from the mainland, and they caused the phenomenon of high particulate concentration in winter. Besides, CO often has the high concentration in winter. The phenomenon showed that the weather conditions caused the poor transportation and the particulate accumulation.
PM10, PM2.5 and the other chemical compositions of nitrate, sulfate, OC and EC had the peak concentrations in the morning. The reasons should be the mobile sources and poor transportation, they caused the high concentration of accumulated pollutants. Besides, PM10, PM2.5, OC and sulfate had the peaks at noon in summer. The reasons should be the strong photochemical reaction and external contaminant accumulaion, and they caused the high concentration of secondary pollutants.
Nitrate and sulfate concentrations often decrease significantly in the afternoon. The reasons might be the lack of precursor’s reactions through NH3, NOX and NOy. The results of secondary organic carbon showed that secondary organic carbon was the main pollutant at the episode and non-episode days except winter. The ratios of second organic carbon and total organic carbon were highest at the episode days in summer and autumn, the ranges were 67.62~71.38% and 73.73~75.81%, respectively. Besides, the ratios of second organic carbon and total organic carbon at night time were higher than those of day time at the episode and non-episode days. The weather conditions of low wind speed or low temperature favor the production of secondary organic carbon.

Keywords: particulate, supersite, secondary organic carbon, OC, EC.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xiii
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究緣起 1
第二節 研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 懸浮微粒來源 3
第二節 懸浮微粒之成分特性 4
第三節 衍生性氣膠 6
一、硫酸鹽 6
二、硝酸鹽 7
第四節 懸浮微粒對人體健康之影響 8
第五節 微粒超級測站 9
第六節 國內外相關文獻 11
第三章 研究方法 13
第一節 實驗方法與架構 13
第二節 監測及採樣地點環境 15
第三節 監測物種與使用儀器 17
一、連續監測儀器 17
二、微粒質量濃度監測儀(RP 1400) 18
三、微粒碳成分連續監測儀 19
四、微粒硝酸鹽分析儀(Rupprecht & Patashnick 8400N) 19
五、微粒硫酸鹽分析儀(Rupprecht & Patashnick 8400S) 20
六、NH3 監測儀(Thermo 42CY) 21
七、H2O2 監測儀 (YES AL 2021) 21
八、一氧化碳監測儀(APMA-360) 21
第四節 資料定義 22
一、事件日定義 22
二、監測結果 22
第四章 結果與討論 25
第一節 懸浮微粒之月趨勢 25
一、微粒質量濃度月變化 25
二、Sulfate與Nitrate質量濃度月變化 28
三、EC與OC質量濃度月變化 31
第二節 事件日與非事件日探討 35
一、事件日發生次數 35
二、微粒質量濃度小時值之變化 37
三、碳成分濃度小時變化 45
四、硫酸鹽與硝酸鹽濃度小時變化 53
第三節 微粒之前趨污染物 68
一、NH3濃度小時值之變化 68
二、NOy小時濃度值之變化 74
三、H2O2小時之濃度變化 81
第四節 二次有機碳估算 86
一、最小值估算 86
二、事件日與非事件日二次有機碳估算 90
第五章 97
第一節結論 97
第二節 建議 98
參考文獻 99
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