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研究生(外文):Chiu-Yueh Yen
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Ritual Space of "Belief of Queen Mother"of Ci Hui Temple in Jhongli
指導教授(外文):Pai-Hsing HsiaoJuo-Ming Li
口試委員(外文): Pai-Hsing Hsiao Juo-Ming Li
外文關鍵詞:Jhongli Ci Hui TempleGolden MotherQueen Mother of the WestBlue ClothingDivine Family
  • 被引用被引用:8
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In the paper, it is mainly aimed to work on space research of the religious culture for Ci Hui Temple in the Jhongli areas. This research is made from Hsin-nan village of the Jhongli areas after the war up to the time when the Jhongli Ci Hui Temple has became the Foundation of Jhongli Ci Hui Temple. The paper is made investigation of each stage for the period which “Jhongli Ci Hui Temple” is set up from scratch, plus the management process under the leadership of people who have made the whole thing come true, and on the relationship of “divine family” between Golden Mother of Ci Hui Temple and its worshippers. In the paper, with attempt to look for the traces of expansion and prosperity for the Jhongli Ci Hui Temple in the Jhongli areas, to construct the prototype of local religious space in Taiwan, in order for us to better understand the diverse contents of religion cultures in Taiwan.
For the developments of each district in Taiwan, in some ways, they are more or less to have indispensable relationships with “temples”. Whereas for the Jhongli areas, the place is no exception of such practice, and there are various of private religion temples with names such as Miao, Gung, Tang, Szu, private altars, big Miao and small Miao everywhere, moreover, there are some other part of Christ and Christianity churches or the religion temples for new immigrants brought in from abroad. The phenomenon represents that Jhongli is a place with tolerance on religions. Amongst the numerous religions, the belief of Jhongli Ci Hui Temple is already implanted locally, and the religion of Queen Mother of the West is closely linked with the lives of people in Jhongli. Ci Hui Temple is originated on the wild hill in the suburb farmlands of HuaLien, and Jhongli Ci Hui Temple is the first branch divided from the HuaLien Head Quarter. Originally, the Jhongli Ci Hui Tang is a private temple, already developed in the Jhongli areas for a period nearly 60 years, while the “divine family” of Ci Hui Temple has kept some kind of emotional factors inseparable with the Queen Mother of the West. Through the Blue Clothing as symbolic for the religion of Queen Mother of the West, Ci Hui Temple is able to put together their bonds among one another. Moreover, by taking place of the concentrated ordinance and ritual activities, to create some kind of religious dependence on the Queen Mother of the West from the worshippers of Ci Hui Temple, and there is a close relationship on the type of religious model between the ethnic harmony in the Jhongli areas and the prosperity of Ci Hui Temple.
The religious activities of Jhongli Ci Hui Temple are very active, and for the activities held in earlier periods such as stir fired Ixora chinensis by teenage girls and sword sacrificing in the dragon boat festival, even though those actitivities are suspended for many years, by way of field survey, the paper is intended to bring back the history of such activities. As for another ritual of Ci Hui Temple such as celestial descending and spirit possession already suspended quite a while, through the same method, the paper is also going to demonstrate once again by way of written words to describe such ritual. The Jhonglin Ci Hui Temple hold intensely of various ordinances and rituals, which are allowed believers to worship freely in the orindary times, as well as ceremony of “Rewarding the troops”. During the time of festivals and ceremonial celebrations, it is shown especially with extreme noiseness and crowdedness in such occassions and those rituals are all very grandiose, for example, during the first day and fifteenth day of each month, there are holy birth ordinances, during both sping and autumn seasons, there are spring and autum Honouring Dipper Rituals, and particularly, the rituals of calming Lord of Tai Sui and lighting up a prayer candle held in significant scale each year, as well as Chungyuan Pu Tu ordinance held in July or the Ghost Month. For the ritual space concentrated on Queen Mother of the West, they are to incude Flat Peach Grand Gathering invited by the Queen Mother of the West to the various Gods and Godess, Shian-Tian, Chung-Tian and Hou-Tian Lung Hua Grand Gathering, celebration of holy birth ordinance for Golden Mother, and annual celebration of Ci Hui Temple. In the mentioned festivals and celebrations, there are numerous of disciples with blue clothing of Ci Hui Temple going all over the places, and the presentations are very magnificent, to be named as the major events of Ci Hui Temple.
The Jhongli Ci Hui Temple not only offers a worshipping space for its believers, but to make the worshippers with a kind of feeling to be at home, seemingly as the sentiment of being close to the side of one’s own mother. For the believers, whether it is to make worship in the temple or to participate with the obligation jobs such as divine works, kitchen works or cleaning & tidying up, all of which are like jobs done for one’s own mother. Moreover, for a lot of believers, when they come to the Ci Hui Temple, they feel like they are at home, and they are back to the embrace of their mothers, by which is the display of another kind of flexible power from the Queen Mother of the west of Ci Hui Temple.

目 錄

謝誌.................................. Ⅰ
摘要.................................. Ⅲ
Abstract....................... .... ... Ⅴ
目錄................................ ... Ⅶ
表錄................................. ... Ⅸ
圖錄................................ ... XI
一、導論....................................... 1
1.1研究動機及對象.................................. 1
1.2研究目的及範圍.................................. 3
1.3研究方法與步驟.................................. 4
1.3.1研究方法..................................... 4
1.3.2研究步驟..................................... 5
1.4文獻回顧................................. ... 8
1.4.1 論文與研究報告................................. 8
1.4.2 專書.................................. ... 9
1.4.3 其他(報紙、期刊等) .............................. 9
二、中壢都市邊緣的地方家廟-慈惠堂....................... 11
2.1中壢邊陲地區族群糾葛與互動..................... 11
2.1.1邊陲地方原住民發端.......................... 12
2.1.2閩客移入中壢拓墾紛爭........................ 14
2.1.3中壢興南庄農業與農民運動................... 15
2.2興南庄草根地域的社會需求....................... 19
2.2.1歷史中興南庄複雜的社會信仰圈.............. 19
2.2.2日據時期興南庄信仰圈結構............. ...... 25
2.3中壢慈惠堂作為家廟的出現....................... 27
2.3.1以家廟方式出現的慈惠堂..................... 27
2.3.2慈惠堂作為社會自我救濟廟宇的出現........... 33
2.3.3慈惠堂演化出公共的集結力量................. 38
2.3.4快速散播的慈惠堂種子........................ 43
2.4小結............................... ... 48
三、慈惠堂「母娘信仰」空間及其儀式展現............. 51
3.1中壢慈惠堂信仰空間............................ 51
3.2中壢慈惠堂日常儀式............................ 55
3.2.1慈惠堂日常參拜儀式........................... 56
3.2.2慰勞神兵神將的犒軍儀式...................... 61
3.3慈惠堂節慶信仰儀式空間.......................... 62
3.3.1農曆每月初一、十五日舉辦慶祝聖誕法會..... 63
3.3.2慶祝玉皇上帝聖誕、安奉太歲及點光明燈..... 67
3.3.3舉辦春斗法會及秋斗法會..................... 70
3.3.4中元好兄弟普渡大法會........................ 73
3.4王母娘娘為主的儀式空間.......................... 76
3.4.1蟠桃勝會母娘宴請眾神仙...................... 76
3.4.2先天、中天及後天龍華勝會.................... 78
3.4.3慶祝瑤池金母聖誕............................. 79
3.4.4中壢慈惠堂週年堂慶........................... 86
3.5小結..................................... 87
四、慈惠堂以母娘為主之儀式空間形構.................. 89
空間展現............................... 89
4.1.1慈惠堂的「身體健康」論述.................... 89
4.1.2戰後初期以「靈乩、扶鸞」為主的儀式空間........... 99
4.1.3人神溝通儀式演化與空間展現................. 105
4.2瑤池金母慈惠之恩的表徵空間展現................. 109
4.2.1台灣瑤池金母信仰歷史與特質空間................. 109
4.2.2象徵母娘認同感與歸屬感的寶衣................. 115
4.2.3誦經的心靈昇華空間表徵..................... 121
4.2.4中壢慈惠堂歷史空間長廊..................... 123
4.3建構與神明情感交流之異質空間....... . .......... 126
4.3.1建堂竣成圓醮大典............................. 126
4.3.2總堂進香與母娘情感交流...................... 129
4.3.3中壢街道繞境儀式與母娘情感連線............ 133
4.3.4振奮人心花鼓隊............................... 136
4.3.5準備、料理的廚房志工空間.................... 138
4.3.6後勤服務的辛勞義工空間...................... 140
4.4中壢慈惠堂總體儀式空間形構..................... 141
4.5小結.................................. 145
五、結論................................... 149
參考文獻..................................... 157
附錄一...................................... 161
附錄二...................................... 211
附錄三...................................... 219
附錄四...................................... 231
附錄五...................................... 233

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