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研究生(外文):Huang, Pao-yuan
論文名稱(外文):Discussion on Key Success Factors of the Micro-Entrepreneurship-A Case Study of Independent Restaurant
外文關鍵詞:Micro-entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship managementKey success factorsIndependent restaurant
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Parsa, Self, Njite,與King(2005)於餐廳為何失敗的研究中指出,連鎖餐廳於3年內關閉的機率為57.2%、獨立餐廳為61.4%,能存活於市場3年以上的餐廳僅有40%,Kale與Arditi(1998)研究中發現,企業在新創初期且規模愈小失敗率愈高,由此可見微型餐飲業的創業者需承受極高的失敗風險。

According to statistics showed from Directorate-general of Budget of the Executive Yuan, that the unemployment rate was 4.92% in October, 2009. As the macro-environment is in a slump, “entrepreneurship” is one of the manner for many people to seek for other way out.
The research of what causes restaurants to fail from Parsa, Self, Njite and King(2005) shows, the failure probability for the chain restaurant within three years’ operation is 57.2%, and 61.4% for the independent restaurants, however there is only 40% restaurants can survive in market over 3 years. The study from Kale and Arditi(1998) found that, at the initial period, there are a great many firms too small to have a higher failure probability, this proves the enterprisers of micro dinning industry required to sustain highly risks of failure.
Dining entrepreneurship seems easy to manage, in fact it requires multilateral knowledge and is struggled when planning for the entrepreneurship stage. However with professional knowledge and skill will increase entrepreneurship success rate. Thus the base of this study is established on correlation literature reviews as the research construction. In the meantime, synthesize literature and interview results to build four constructs surface: entrepreneur personal characteristic, entrepreneurship motive, entrepreneurship performance, key success factors, which is to investigate the relationship between successful entrepreneurship as the research construction.
Using thorough qualitative interview for five successful independent restaurant’s micro entrepreneurship owners. This is basic on personal background,
entrepreneurship motive, effect on success-failure factors as related research data, and then to synthesize interview data and analysis what is the key factor of a successful micro entrepreneurship.
According to data analysis, we have the following conclusion for the research. That includes “location of nearby shopping district & store selection”,”flavor of food quality”,”customer relationship”,”cost control” any displays in many way. As well as to bring up specific and practical proposals, so as to raise potential entrepreneur ‘s successful possibility.
Based on research shown entrepreneur should found out restaurant’s competitive advantage, adjusted the change in accordance to environmental and strategical variety. This is the key factors for a successful long term business.
Keywords: micro-entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship management, key success factors, independent restaurant.

目 錄
中文摘要............................................... i
英文摘要............................................... ii
謝辭................................................... iv
目錄................................................... v
表目錄................................................. vii
圖目錄................................................. viii
第一章 緒論........................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機............................... 1
第二節 研究目的與流程............................... 3
第三節 研究範圍與研究限制........................... 5
第四節 名詞釋義..................................... 5
第二章 文獻探討....................................... 7
第一節 餐飲業概況................................... 7
第二節 微型創業..................................... 19
第三節 創業管理...................................... 27
第四節 關鍵成功因素.................................. 38
第三章 研究方法....................................... 47
第一節 研究流程..................................... 47
第二節 研究架構..................................... 47
第三節 質性研究...................................... 49
第四節 訪談對象..................................... 51
第五節 訪談程序與問題設計........................... 52
第六節 資料的處理與分析............................. 54
第七節 研究的信度與效度............................. 55
第四章 研究發現....................................... 61
第一節 訪談者基本資料分析........................... 61
第二節 獨立餐廳微型創業者之關鍵成功因素............. 63
第五章 研究結論及建議................................. 86
第一節 研究結論..................................... 86
第二節 研究建議..................................... 90
參考文獻............................................... 92
中文文獻............................................. 92
英文文獻............................................. 98
網路資料............................................. 104
附 錄
附錄一 訪談綱要..................................... 106

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