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研究生(外文):Shih-Pin Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Social Network for Printing Industry in Tainan
外文關鍵詞:Printing IndustrySocial NetworkPerson In Charge
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Organizations compete intensely because of the tendency of globalization. Organizations in Taiwan are mostly small and medium-sized enterprises, and characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprise are small sized, and lack of resources, including lack of fund, channel and difficulties on acquire technologies, thus, companies create competitive advantage through organizing suppliers and increasing networks of partnerships. It has been confirmed that relationships between people will highly affect a company’s business development. The research goal is understand interpersonal interactions between people in charge of printing businesses and development of new businesses through discussing social networks of printing business in Tainan.
The research is using multiple cases comparison and thorough interviews of case research, taking people in charge of Jing-yong-he printing company and Shin-mei printing company and Long-hong printing company in Tainan as research subjects. The results show that 1. People who are in charge of printing businesses may acquire information through friends, customers, people who are related to printing business and printing business owners in consultation networks. Amount those consultation networks, information provide from people who are related to printing business and printing business owners may have more business opportunities than others. And information acquisition is highly related to people who are in charge of printing businesses with their relations. 2. In emotional network. Business model in people who are in charge from local and long established companies are often conservative and old-fashioned, but new established companies are more active. Also, printing companies share information to each other, but only external business information. 3. In intelligent network, customers are the main business target, also the resource of information and intelligent, also, new established companies have better ability to get information and intelligent than old established companies. 4. In trust network, people who in charge of old local established companies take their friends as their trusted objects, and the new established companies are customers, other people who in charge in printing business are trusted secondarily, usually, people who in charge in the same business will get more information based on how much they trust in each other.
Furthermore, to conclude based on the research, it would be better if people who are in charge for the printing businesses should have trust and interactions with people who are related to the business so that through the correlation of interaction and trust, people who are in charge have chance to get information or feedback from people who are related to the business. It is recommended that follow-up researchers should give interviews to more printing company in order to overlapping examination on their characteristics, or to complete the research by using partially quantitative design by questionnaire and fill by people who are in charge of the printing business.
Abstract iii
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究動機2
第三節 研究目的3
第四節 研究問題與範圍4
第五節 研究流程5
第二章 文獻探討7
第一節 台灣印刷產業概述7
第二節 台灣印刷產業營運現況10
第三節 社會網絡理論14
第四節 國內外社會網絡相關研究24
第三章 研究方法28
第一節 研究架構28
第二節 研究設計與程序28
第三節 個案的選擇31
第四節 個案的簡介31
第四章 結果與討論35
第一節 諮詢網絡分析35
第二節 情感網絡分析39
第三節 情報網絡分析43
第四節 信任網絡分析48
第五節 綜合討論52
第五章 結論與建議58
第一節 研究結論58
第二節 研究建議60
第三節 研究限制63
附錄A 70
附錄B 71
附錄C 78
附錄D 86
表2-1 2000-2008年台灣印刷及有關行業相關數據13
表2-2 社會網絡的定義16
表2-3 社會網絡指標彙整表20
表2-4 應用社會網絡理論的相關研究彙整表27
表4-1 諮詢網絡強度分析表39
表4-2 情感網絡強度分析表43
表4-3 情報網絡強度分析表48
表4-4 信任網絡強度分析表52
表4-5 台南地區印刷業負責人社會網絡分析彙整表57
圖1-1 研究流程圖6
圖2-1 台灣印刷產業區域分佈圖9
圖2-2 南部印刷業者及從業人口分布比率12
圖2-3 台灣印刷出口值與總生產值比較12
圖2-4 社會網絡圖15
圖3-1 觀念性研究架圖28
圖3-2 編碼員相互同意信度圖30
圖3-3 新美印刷公司組織圖32
圖3-4 龍宏印刷公司組織圖33
圖3-5 金永合印刷公司組織圖34
圖4-1 負責人諮詢網絡圖53
圖4-2 負責人情感網絡圖54
圖4-3 負責人情報網絡圖55
圖4-4 負責人信任網絡圖56
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