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論文名稱(外文):Microwave Hydrogen/Nitrogen Plasma Annealing to Improve the Electrical and Optical Properties of In-line Sputtered Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide Films
外文關鍵詞:Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide FilmsHydrogenNitrogenMicrowave Plasma
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試著以微波氫氮電漿(Microwave Hydrogen/Nitrogen Plasma)對氧化鋅摻雜鋁(AZO)的透明導電膜,做製程後處理,期望藉由微波氫氮電漿來增加氧化鋅摻雜鋁薄膜的電性與光特性能力。
在後製程實驗中將微波氫氮電漿的功率固定在300W,氣體總壓力固定在25 Torr,製程時間10分鐘,但其中改變氣體H2與N2的比例,固定H2的流量在100sccm但N2則改變為25sccm,50sccm,100sccm,以達到腔體內氫氣與氮氣的不同比例,並藉由實驗數據以得知在腔體內最佳的氫氣與氮氣比例。完成微波氫氮電漿後的氧化鋅摻雜鋁薄膜,以霍爾量測得到它的電阻率、載子濃度、移動率,由數據得知電阻率因氮氣的增加而往下下降到8.1× 10-4 ohm cm,7.7× 10-4 ohm cm與5.3× 10-4 ohm cm,均優於未處理的氧化鋅摻雜鋁薄膜的1.1× 10-3 ohm cm與純氫氣微波氫電漿處理的8.8×10-4 ohm cm 與純氮氣處理的1.2× 106 ohm cm。
由以上的實驗結果可以證實,在微波氫電漿中加入一定的氮氣比例可以得到更好的電性與光特性,若以光電指標為依據,則以氫氣與氮氣在25 Torr,比例在1比1是46× 10-3Ω-1為最好。

This work applies microwave hydrogen/nitrogen plasma annealing on in-line sputtered aluminum doped zinc oxide (AZO) films. The electrical and optical properties of post-treated AZO films were measured to check whether the plasma annealing can improve the electrical an optical properties of AZO films or not
The AZO films were prepared with one in-line sputtering tool with 250 0C substrate temperature. The films thickness is 500 nm.
After that, the AZO films were treated with different proportional hydrogen/nitrogen gas flow in microwave plasma annealing. The process gas flow in microwave system was changed with hydrogen/nitrogen: 100/0, 100/25, 100/50, 100/100 and 0/100 respectively. Other recipes in microwave system were microwave power, process pressure and process time, constantly kept at 300 W, 25 torr and 10 minutes respectively. The electrical properties: carrier concentration, mobility and electrical resistivity of AZO films were measured by Hall measurement. The results indicate the electrical resistivity of AZO films post-treated with hydrogen and nitrogen mixed plasma annealing is lower than that with pure hydrogen plasma annealing. The higher proportion the nitrogen gas flow is, the lower electrical resistivity the AZO films demonstrate. But pure nitrogen plasma annealing on AZO films shows negative effect, completely different with pure hydrogen or hydrogen and nitrogen mixed plasma annealing.
The average optical transmittance between 400~700 nm region of AZO films with hydrogen and nitrogen mixed plasma annealing is also a little higher than that with pure hydrogen plasma annealing. Different surface morphology was observed from AZO films treated with pure hydrogen, mixed hydrogen with nitrogen and pure nitrogen plasma annealing.
The combined results suggest better electrical and optical properties of AZO films can be obtained by treating AZO films with hydrogen and nitrogen mixed plasma annealing those treated with pure hydrogen annealing. The best figure of merit is 46× 10-3Ω-1 obtained from hydrogen/nitrogen = 100/100 plasma annealing.
This work contributes to solar cells or flat panel display industries if AZO films were considered to be used as transparent electrodes.

第一章 緒論--------------5
1.1 前言-------------------5
1.2 研究動機--------------8
1.3 相關文獻回顧------------10
第二章 相關原理----------12
2.1 透明導電膜發展歷史-------12
2.4 氧化鋅薄膜之晶體結構-----------------15
2.5 電漿-------------------16
2.6 濺鍍原理 -------------17
2.7 薄膜沉積--------------18
2.8 薄膜表面型態結構------------21
2.9 量測儀器與分析--------------23
2.9.1 X-ray 繞射分析-------------23
2.9.2 膜厚分析儀器-----------24
2.9.3 掃描式電子顯微鏡分析---------25
2.9.4 光譜分析----------------25
2.9.5 霍爾電性分析---------------26
第三章 實驗方法與步驟------------28
3.4.1 腔體純氫氣微波電漿實驗步驟-------33
3.4.2 腔體純氮氣微波電漿實驗步驟------34
3.4.3 腔體氫氣與氮氣含量4比1(100/25)微波氫氮電漿實驗步驟--35
3.4.4 腔體氫氣與氮氣含量2比1(100/50)微波氫氮電漿實驗步驟--36
3.4.5 腔體氫氣與氮氣含量1比1 (100/100)微波氫氮電漿實驗步驟37
第四章 結果與討論-------------39
4.4 氧化鋅摻雜鋁薄膜在微波氫氮電漿後製程之後的SEM表面形態結果與討論-------48
第五章 結論----------55

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