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研究生(外文):Po-Jung Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Life-cycle of Cladophora (Chlorophyta;Cladophorales)
指導教授(外文):Shiu-Ping Chang
外文關鍵詞:Cladophoralife-cycleepiphytic algae
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The filamentous (green) macroalgae in the rivers of Taiwan are mostly Cladophora and Spirogyra and grow profusely in specific seasons in waters with higher hardness and alkalinity. They can be found in clear water with appropriate water flow and lower turbidity.
The growth of Cladophora, when observed under the microscope, starts with precursors and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) secreted by the bacteria on the substrate in which the sporophyte and gametophyte attach and then begin to grow. The life cycle of Cladophora is short, about a month that starts from sporophyte to gametophyte and then to an entirely new plant body. Profuse epiphytic algae attach themselves to Cladophora during the growth period; this study also conducts research on Cladophora epiphytes.
The current study has completed the research on the life cycle and the epiphytic algae of Cladophora. The findings serve as a basis for biomaterial applications or ecologically, physiologically, taxonomically-related research on Cladophora in Taiwan.

中文摘要 --- ⅰ
英文摘要 --- ⅲ
致謝 --------- ⅴ
目錄 ------------ ⅵ
表目錄 ------ ⅸ
圖目錄 ------- ⅹ
一、前言 ------- 1
1.1 研究動機 ----------- 1
1.2 研究目的 ----------- 2
二、文獻回顧 ------------ 3
2.1 藻類分類 ---------- 3
2.2 淡水大型底棲絲狀藻 ------ 3
2.2.1 其他大型絲狀藻 --- 4
2.2.2 剛毛藻 -------- 8
2.3 剛毛藻之生活史 ------- 10
2.4 剛毛藻之棲地環境 -------- 11
2.5 剛毛藻的附生藻 ------ 13
三、研究方法 ------------ 15
3.1 論文架構 ------- 15
3.2 實驗設計 --------- 16
3.3 棲地環境測定及採樣 ------ 16
3.3.1 生物採樣 -------- 16
3.3.2 水質檢測 ---------- 17
3.4 藻類生活史之觀察 ------- 17
3.4.1 先驅藻之觀察與鑑定 ---- 17
3.4.2 附生藻之觀察與鑑定 ------- 18
3.4.3 藻類生活史之觀察 ------- 18
四、結果與討論 -------- 19
4.1 水質結果 --------- 19
4.2 剛毛藻屬之先驅藻 ---- 20
4.3 剛毛藻屬之附生藻 ------ 24
4.4 剛毛藻屬之配子體世代 ----- 29
4.5 剛毛藻屬之孢子體世代 ----------- 30
4.6 剛毛藻屬先驅藻與剛毛藻著生機制 ----- 32
五、結論與建議 -------- 34
5.1 結論 ------------- 34
5.2 建議 ------- 35
參考文獻 -------------- 36
附錄一 ------------- 41
附錄二 ----------- 45
自傳 --------------- 47

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