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研究生(外文):Wen-Pao Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Optical Trapping for Manipulation of Dielectric Micro-particles and Yeast
指導教授(外文):Shih-Kun Liu
中文關鍵詞:光鉗 光鑷夾光鉗 光鑷夾光鉗 光鑷夾
外文關鍵詞:光鉗 光鑷夾optical trap,opticaltweezerANDoptical trap,opticaltweezer
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光學鑷夾在生物醫學應用方面已受到廣泛的研究。因光學鑷夾擁有非接觸式捕捉微粒的優點,已被視為是抓取微生物或細胞方面的利器。由於傳統的光學鑷夾系統架構較為複雜,本研究的目的為建立元件少、複雜度低且效率佳之光學鑷夾系統。為取代傳統的光學鏡片,此系統是以光纖微透鏡(lensed fiber)為光學鑷夾系統中的光捕捉元件。我們自製四種特定類型的光纖微透鏡,其中兩種僅經過緩衝氧化蝕刻液(BOE)蝕刻,而另兩種則是使用蝕刻和融燒方式進行製作。製作完光纖微透鏡後,利用Matlab的影像處理功能計算光纖微透鏡之曲率半徑,並以Zemax模擬光纖微透鏡之焦距與數值孔徑。

本研究使用的雷射光波長為532nm,樣本的微粒之粒徑平均為10μm、15μm。本實驗使用四種特定形狀之光纖微透鏡對微粒進行捕捉實驗。在固定光纖微透鏡的輸出光功率下,改變光纖微透鏡之插入角度,以觀察其捕捉效果,並量化分析各角度下之捕捉力(trapping force)。最後證實本光纖光學鑷夾系統具有捕捉微粒及酵母菌的能力。
Optical tweezers are widely studied in Biotechnology. This technology provides a non-contact means to capture particles, and to move them in accordance with our control. The traditional optical tweezer system is complex, and so our goal is to build a compact system with less optical elements involved. To replace the optical lens in the system, a lensed fiber is fabricated to serve as the optical trapping component of the optical tweezer system.

Optical lens is made on optical fiber by using a buffered oxide etchant (BOE) to etch one end of a commercial multimode optical fiber, and then by using an optical fiber fusion splicer to arc-heating the tip of the etched region. The result fiber is called the lensed fiber. A Matlab code is used to analyze the image of the lensed fiber so that the radius of curvature of the fiber can be extracted. Another software, Zemax, is used to analyze the focal length and numerical aperture of lensed fiber.

A laser system emitted at a wavelength of 532nm and the sample particle sizes of 10μm and 15μm are used respectively in this study. Four selected lensed fibers with different lens shape are used to trap particles. In the experiment, the output power from the end of the lensed fiber is fixed. The dependence of the insertion angle, which is an angle between the fiber and the horizontal, on the effect of trapping is observed. A numerical calculation conducted is to study the trapping effect at various insertion angles. The experiment has successfully shown that our homemade optical tweezer system can trap and move micro particle(s) as well as yeast(s) at will. A quantitative analysis on the trapping force is conducted to optimize our optical tweezer system.
第一章 緒論
1.1 背景介紹
1.2 研究動機與目的
1.3 論文架構
第二章 光學鑷夾原理
2.1 幾何光學模型
2.2 電磁波模型
第三章 光纖光學鑷夾
3.1 光纖光學鑷夾系統介紹
3.2 各式光纖微透鏡製程及分析
3.2.1 種類與製程
3.2.2 蝕刻
3.2.3 融燒
3.2.4 光纖微透鏡製程
3.2.5 光學軟體分析
第四章 實驗設計與結果分析
4.1 光纖微透鏡捕捉力之實驗設計
4.2 捕捉力分析
4.3 捕捉酵母菌實驗
第五章 結論與未來工作
附錄一 液體黏滯係數實驗
附錄二 Matlab計算取率半徑程式
附錄三 光纖熔燒步驟
附錄四 微粒群聚現象
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