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研究生(外文):Lin , Ling Hung
論文名稱(外文):Relationship between English Village Learning Environment and Learning Motivation in Elementary School Students-A Case Study of Study Tour in Tasi Wen International English Village
指導教授(外文):Hsieh ,Kuo Jung
口試委員(外文):Shon ,Zheng YiWu ,Ya JungHsieh ,Kuo Jung
外文關鍵詞:EFLEnglish villageEnglish learning EnvironmentEnglish learning motivation
  • 被引用被引用:21
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行政院於2002年提出:「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」,其中「e 世代人才培育計畫」之「提升全民英語能力」是最基礎、最重要計畫,為此,營造一個有利於溝通的語言情境是學習外語相當重要的一環,而「英語村」的設立應是目前台灣EFL英語學習環境中值得探究的新趨勢。
1. 國小學童對英語村遊學都持正面肯定,認同度都在中上。
2. 學童在「情境設置」方面,最喜歡情境佈置。
3. 學童遊學英語村之後,其英語學習動機都有成長。
4. 遊學英語村後,女生的英語學習動機高過男生。
5. 學童有參加英語補習的英語學習動機高過沒有參加英語補習者。
6. 父母愈關心學童的英語學習,學童的英語學習動機愈強;且父母親的態度對學童的英語學習動機有顯著而且正向的影響。
7. 學童的學習經驗愈長,其英語學習動機愈強。
8. 英語村英語學習環境與英語學習動機兩個變項不僅中高度相關又互為影響。
9. 英語學習動機有四個構面 (統合性動機、工具性動機、自我效能及期望價值),受「自我效能」影響最大。
10. 英語學習環境有三個構面 (教師教學、教學內容及情境設置),受「教學內容」影響最大。11. 英語村英語學習環境確實影響英語學習動機。

In 2002, Executive Yuan proposed “Challenge 2008: Essential plans for the country development”, within the proposal, “Training skilled people for the E-generation: improve English ability of all people is the foundation and essential key plan; thus, providing an easy communicated environment is the most important part in the foreign language learning. Therefore, recent attention has been given to the establishment of “EV”in the EFL Leaning environment in Taiwan.
This study uses a survey instrument to evaluate the relationship between being visiting the English environment in the EV and the motivation in English learning. The surveys were taken from the 6th and 5th grade students from the following nine districts in Kaohsiung City: Yanchao, Tinliu, Alian, Luzhu, Hunei, Jiading, Yongan, Mituo, Zihguan. The subjects visited Tsai Wen English village in March, 2011. Within the 372 surveys were collected, 336 surveys were sampled for the quantitative analysis; efficiency validity is 90.32%. The two surveys used in the study were created by the researcher: English village leaning environment evaluation questionnaire and English Learning motivation questionnaire. Independent variable is the Learning Environment in the English village, which content teacher’s instruction, teaching content and environment display.; depend variable is the motivation, which has four dimensions: integrative motivation, instrumental motivation, expectancy and self efficacy The collected data information were used in frequencies and descriptive statistics analysis, the data is been analyzed by using T-test, both independent and paired sample T-test, ANOVA, Multiple regression analysis and canonical correlation to exam the hypothesis.
The data analysis concludes that:
1. Elementary students have positive attitude toward the learning in the English Village
2. In the environment display, students are in favour of a situated learning environment.
3. Motivation has increased after visiting the EV.
4. Degree of motivation, girls show higher motivation than the boys.
5. Students who previous have cram school experience have higher motivation than the ones
who haven’t had cram school experience.
6. The more the parents care in their children’s English learning, the higher motivation in
students; also parents’ attitude has a positive effect on the students’ learning motivation.
7 .Longer English learning experience leads to stronger motivation in leaning.
8. The simulated English learning environment and the learning motivation is not only related
but also affected each other.
9. With the four dimensions in the English learning motivation: integrative motivation,
instrumental motivation, expectancy and self efficacy, self efficacy has a greater effect on
the learning motivation.
10. The three dimensions in English learning environment: teacher’s instruction, teaching
content and environment display, teaching content has a greater effect.
11. The learning environment in the English village motivates the learning.
To conclude, the findings and the conclusion of this study will be provided to the Ministry of education, Kaoshsing City education department, school English Villages, school English teachers and parents for the future studies and suggestions for the future improvement in English education.

中文摘要 IV
英文摘要 VI
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究問題 5
第四節 名詞釋義 5
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 英語學習動機理論探討 8
第二節 英語學習環境探討 26
第三節 英語村的英語教學法 38
第四節 國際英語村 43
第三章 研究方法 59
第一節 研究架構 59
第二節 研究變項及操作型定義 60
第三節 研究假設 61
第四節 研究對象與抽樣方法 61
第五節 研究工具 62
第六節 研究流程 69
第七節 資料處理 70
第四章 研究分析結果與討論 73
第一節 樣本背景變項次數分配 73
第二節 研究構面的敍述統計 74
第三節 研究構面的信度分析 77
第四節 遊學英語村前後的英語學習動機比較 81
第五節 背景因素對英語學習動機的影響 82
第六節 英語村學習環境對英語學習動機的影響 89
第七節 父母關心態度對英語學習動機的影響 95
第五章 結論與建議 98
第一節 結論 98
第二節 建議 104
參考文獻 111
附錄 125
一、預試問卷 125
二、正式問卷 130

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