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研究生(外文):Wei-jhe Zeng
論文名稱(外文):Transferring ECG data through wireless sensor network
指導教授(外文):Kuang-chiung Chang
外文關鍵詞:classificationGreyARTWireless sensor networksECG data
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In this study, we propose an ECG (electrocardiogram) telemonitoring system applied in a rest house envirment. ECG signals are acquired and fed into an SOC (system on chip). On the SOC, an adaptive resonant theory (ART) type network is equipped to classify the ECG signals. As an abnormal heartbeat is identified, the SOC transfers the heartbeat, through the wireless sensor network, to the PC for further analysis. The routing protocol of the wireless sensor network used was developed in the previous study. The functions of the routing protocol include the establishment and maintenance of the network topology, the increase and deletion of the sensor node, and the guarantee of the quality of service of the wireless sensor network.
The proposed ECG beat classification involves two phases. One is the off-line learning phase. With the proposed performance index, the product of the classification accuracy and the partition quality, an optimal value for the vigilance threshold and the corresponding cluster centers from the learning results can be determined. The other is the online examining phase, which classifies the input ECG beats. In this phase, the vigilance threshold value and the initial cluster centers are the optimal ones obtained in the learning phase. Under these conditions, the GreyART network enables real-time classification of ECG beats
摘要 i
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究方法 4
第二章 無線感測器網路 8
2.1 泛流 8
2.2 Gossiping 10
2.3 SPIN 11
2.4 定向擴散 12
2.5 網路架構 13
2.6 無線感測器硬體 14
2.7 無線感測器網路通訊協定 15
第三章 心電訊號 19
3.1 心電訊號的生理基礎 19
3.2 心電圖 20
3.3 心跳類別與介紹 21
第四章 分類器設計 27
4.1 灰色關聯分析 28
4.2 GreyART network 29
4.3 心電圖資料 30
第五章 心跳分類方法 34
5.1 心電圖心跳分類方法 34
5.2 離線學習階段 34
5.3 在線上檢查階段 35
5.4 離線學習的結果 36
5.5 實驗結果 37
5.6 學習成果 37
第六章 結論 44
參考文獻 45
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