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研究生(外文):Eva Wai
論文名稱:Transnational Chinese Cinema: Cross-Cultural Analysis through Representations of Women
論文名稱(外文):Transnational Chinese Cinema: Cross-Cultural Analysis through Represenations of Women
指導教授(外文):Dr. Michael Stein
中文關鍵詞:feminismCross-Cultureidentity.GlobalisationTransnationalismInter-racial relationshipsChinese Cinema
外文關鍵詞:Inter-racial relationshipsChinese CinemaGlobalisationTransnationalismCross-Culturefeminismidentity.
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The following six films are examined: The Joy Luck Club (1993), The Wedding Banquet (1993), Eat Drink Man Woman (1994), Chinese Box (1997), Lust Caution (2007) and Shanghai (2010). Through textual analysis these films will formulate a foundation for supplementing cross-cultural production and consumption in a globalization perspective; not only comparing and contrasting East and West cinematic production known as Transnationalism, but also in examining how Asian and Western industries portray Asian American women as individuals. This suggests that factors including; ethnicity, inter-racial relationships, feminism, identity and culture do play a large part in how these actresses are seen by today because of background roots and in comparison towards what they portray. The information provided in this thesis researches constructivists theorists idea and collaborates in strengthening cross-cultural studies in cinema. Through consolidating different aspects of a qualitative study the argument analyses enhances globalization and transnationalised cinematic worlds. Formulating this article via textual reading there is a stress on terms like globalization and transnationalism focusing on comparative Asian cinema studies of Chinese women, broadcast in both the East and West re-enhancing both social and cultural norms.
The following six films are examined: The Joy Luck Club (1993), The Wedding Banquet (1993), Eat Drink Man Woman (1994), Chinese Box (1997), Lust Caution (2007) and Shanghai (2010). Through textual analysis these films will formulate a foundation for supplementing cross-cultural production and consumption in a globalization perspective; not only comparing and contrasting East and West cinematic production known as Transnationalism, but also in examining how Asian and Western industries portray Asian American women as individuals. This suggests that factors including; ethnicity, inter-racial relationships, feminism, identity and culture do play a large part in how these actresses are seen by today because of background roots and in comparison towards what they portray. The information provided in this thesis researches constructivists theorists idea and collaborates in strengthening cross-cultural studies in cinema. Through consolidating different aspects of a qualitative study the argument analyses enhances globalization and transnationalised cinematic worlds. Formulating this article via textual reading there is a stress on terms like globalization and transnationalism focusing on comparative Asian cinema studies of Chinese women, broadcast in both the East and West re-enhancing both social and cultural norms.
Abstract …………………………iv
Acknowledgements ………………v
Table of Contents ……………vi

Chapter 1 Introduction ……………………………………………1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Research Motivation
1.3 Research Background
1.4 Research Objectives
1.5 Research Area Limitations
1.6 Research Framework

Chapter 2 Literature Review ……………………………………8
2.1 Globalization & Transnationalism
2.2 Constructivists Theories
2.3 Comparison of Asian and Western Cinema

Chapter 3 Methodology……………………………………………26
3.1 Hypotheses
3.2 Content & Textual Analysis

Chapter 4 Transnational Chinese Cinema ……………………30
4.1 Representations of Women
4.2 Inter-racial relationships
4.3 Feminism
4.4 Identity and Symbolism

Chapter 5 Conclusion ……………………………………………52
5.1 Analyses and Implications
5.2 Reflections Discussion
5.3 Recommendations for further research

Bibliography ………………………………………………………58
Appendix A : Plot summaries …………………………………68
Appendix B : News Articles ……………………………………74
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