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研究生(外文):Li-Wei Shen
論文名稱(外文):Study on the characterizations and AlTiO Coating by Plasma oxidation
指導教授(外文):Wei-Yo Ho
外文關鍵詞:AlTiO thin filmsCathode arc evaporationPlasma oxidation
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本研究分為兩階段,並採用陰極電弧蒸鍍系統(Cathode Arc Evaporation, CAE)鍍製鋁鈦氧薄膜,鍍膜後再施以電漿氧化處理,預期可以強化薄膜,並在表面產生一層Al2O3與TiO2相,其目的在增強薄膜的抗高溫氧化與耐蝕性。第一階段改變鋁鈦氧薄膜製程的時間(15s、30s、60s)鍍膜後再施以氧電漿處理600V,並以ZrN薄膜做為對照組,探討薄膜的微結構、表面型貌、機械性質是否會有所變化。第二階段利用鋁鈦氧薄膜(60s)鍍後施以不同功率(400W、800W、1200W)之氧電漿處理,並以未使用氧電漿之鋁鈦氧薄膜做比對,並以SEM、 XRD等儀器做微結構分析,觀察其斷面、膜層厚度、表面型態、 結晶相。物理性質分析使用色度計分析彩度並比較改變鋁鈦氧薄膜的製程時間與不同功率的電漿技術處理之顏色差異度。化學性質使用ESCA、腐蝕電化學;機械性質使用奈米壓痕、磨耗 試驗等。
The study focused on the AlTiOx thin films deposited by cathode arc evaporation plasma deposition, and then the as-deposited films were subjected to plasma oxidation treatment. We expected to strengthen the properties of the films and to obtain the surface layer of Al2O3 and TiO2 phase. Zirconium nitride (ZrN) as the reference coating, our research expected the characterization of the ZrN coating could be enhanced when the structure composed of the ZrN and AlTiOx thin film in field of high-temperature oxidation and corrosion resistance properties. The process is thus designed for enhancing the film's high temperature oxidation and corrosion resistance. The optical, chemical composition, microstructure and mechanical properties, including wear resistance and anti-oxidation at high temperature, were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), (TGA) and nano-indentation. There are two parts in this study. In Part 1, on top of the ZrN coating, the aluminum-titanium oxide, denoted AlTiOx, has been grown via cathode arc evaporation plasma deposition method (CAE) with various depositional time 15 s, 30 s and 60 s, and then subjected to post deposition treatment by plasma oxidation treatment (with bias voltages 600V). Experimental results indicate that the optical, chemical composition, microstructure, and mechanical properties, but not include the thickness, heavily depend on the depositional time. By changing the time, AlTiOx film turned the gold colour into carmine. The chemical composition and microstructure properties of the AlTiOx coatings were strongly influenced by the noncrystal structure composed of Al2O3 and TiO2. The oxidation behavior exams showed the coatings have a well high-temperature oxidation resistance.
In Part 2, the AlTiOx coatings were deposited with different target input power (400 W, 800 W and 1200 W), and compared the microstucture, surface morphology and mechanical properties with the as-deposited AlTiOx. Experimental results indicate that the optical, chemical composition, microstructure, and mechanical properties, but not include the thickness, heavily depend on the depositional time. By changing the time, AlTiOx film turned the gold colour into carmine. The chemical composition and microstructure properties of the AlTiOx coatings were strongly influenced by the noncrystal structure composed of Al2O3 and TiO2. The oxidation behavior exams showed the coatings have a well high-temperature oxidation resistance.
Abstract II
總目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1陰極電弧沉積技術與原理 4
2-2裝飾鍍 6
2-3 ZrN薄膜[16-32] 9
2-4 AlTiN、AlTiN-O 薄膜 11
2-5 ( Al、La、Ti、Cr)Ox 13
2-6電漿技術處理 [41-43] 15
2-7彩度、明度[44-46] 18
第三章 實驗方法 22
3-1鍍膜系統 22
3-2試片前處理 24
3-3膜層設計與製程參數 26
3-4實驗流程圖 29
3-5實驗分析方法 30
3-5-1 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field Emission Scanning Electronic Microscope,FE-SEM) 30
3-5-2 能量散佈光譜儀(Energy Dispersive Spectrometer,EDS)【47】 32
3-5-3 XRD(X-ray diffract meter) 34
3-5-4 磨耗分析 36
3-5-5 奈米壓痕試驗 38
3-5-6 腐蝕試驗[48-49] 40
3-5-7 化學電子光譜儀分析(Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis ESCA) 44
3-5-8熱重/熱差分析( TGA / DSC )【50】 45
3.5.9分光色差儀 47
第四章 結果與討論 48
4-1氧電漿600V下對鋁鈦氧薄膜不同製程時間之影響 49
4-1-1 SEM形貌分析 49
4-1-2 SEM膜厚量測 52
4-1-3 EDS 54
4-1-4 X-ray繞射分析 57
4-1-5 XPS 59
4-1-6縱深分析 63
4-1-7奈米壓痕 65
4-1-8磨耗試驗 67
4-1-9分光色差值 71
4-1-10腐蝕試驗 74
4-2不同氧電漿功率對鋁鈦氧薄膜之影響 76
4-2-1 SEM形貌分析 76
4-2-2 SEM膜厚量測 79
4-2-3 EDS 81
4-2-4 X-ray繞射分析 83
4-2-5 XPS 85
4-2-6縱深分析 89
4-2-7磨耗試驗 90
4-2-8分光色差值 93
4-2-9水接觸角 97
4-2-10耐久度測試 98
4-2-11腐蝕試驗 102
4-2-12 TGA 熱重分析試驗 104
4-3鍍厚之鋁鈦氧薄膜應用端 109
4-3-1 鋁鈦氧薄膜XRD 109
4-3-2 4.3.2增加AlTi-O薄膜之厚度,並實際應用於玻璃壓鑄模具 110
第五章 結論 111
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