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論文名稱(外文):Does corporate governance variables influence the outcome of bank rating?
指導教授:李桐豪李桐豪引用關係Thomas Lee
外文關鍵詞:Corporate GovernanceBank RatingLogisitic Model
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本研究以公司治理變數與銀行評等結果之關係為研究對象,並以累積邏輯斯迴歸模型(Cumulative Logistic Regression Model)研究2004年至2010年的31間台灣的上市銀行,探討公司治理對於公司決策的影響,及其是否會進而影響公司的表現,最終並改變公司的評等結果。

The bank rating system used to only consider the financial variables instead of corporate governance variables, but whether the corporate governance variables can influence the strategies of managers and the performance of the firm, then further change the outcome of the bank rating had never been considered. This thesis is trying to use cumulative logistic model figure out whether there exist any connection between corporate governance variables and bank rating outcome.
This thesis considered 9 difference corporate variables that can be divided into two different sectors, which are ownership structure and boardroom structure. The conclusion of this thesis is that the majority shareholder's holding、Supervisors and Directors' holding and institutional Supervisor and Director's holding、Managers' holding and the number of independent director and supervisor will influence the outcome of the bank rating.

第一章、緒論 .............................................1
第一節、研究動機與背景 ......................................1
第二節、研究架構............................................ 3
第一節、CAMELS ............................................9
第二節、政治大學銀行評等中心 ............................10
第三節、累積LOGISTIC迴歸模型 .............................12
第四章、實證結果與分析 ....................................23
第一節、資料來源與敘述性分析 ..............................23
第二節、實證結果與分析 .....................................26
二. Cumulative Logistic model 的迴歸結果 ................28
第五章、結論 ............................................33
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