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論文名稱(外文):A Study of the PCRM Government, 2001-2009
外文關鍵詞:Social DemocracyParty of Communist of the Republic of MoldovaVladimir VoroninSeparatism of TransnistriaTwitter Revolution
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Both Social democracy and communism are derived from Karl Marx’s Socialism. However, they had come to a parting of the ways after the success of the proletarian revolution in Russia. Social democracy continued to develop under the parliamentary system in Western Europe, while communism thrived in Eastern European countries, which were controlled by USSR after WWII. Coming into the 21st century, however, the two reconciled and have once again merged and redefined themselves as “the Third Way”, which adapts itself to certain modern political values, and it had been growing steadily in the first two decades following the dissolution of Soviet Union. In Eastern Europe, successors of communist party have adapted themselves to this “Third Way”, which helped them come into power one after another by forming coalition governments.
Among them, it was the Party of Communist of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM), which attracted international attention. The PCRM has won an absolute majority, gaining 71 out of a total of 101 seats, in the 2001 Moldovan Parliamentary election, enabled it to form the government, as well as, electing its very own communist President Vladimir Voronin. In 2005, the PCRM has once again won the election, and made President Vladimir Voronin re-elected to a consecutive term. The PCRM was in government between 2001 and 2009 for 8 years, and this research will look into a wide range of issues including the political background of PCRM, accounts of its regaining of political power, and important decisions of domestic and foreign policies made by the PCRM government.
The first part of this research argues that social democracy had been actively reforming both in theory and practice in the two decades after the dissolution of USSR and it has successfully created a “Third Way” as opposed to the Old Left and the New Right. The second part argues that PCRM’s return to office can be attributed to its self-reformation, economic crisis, confrontations between the President and the Parliament in the period of transition, as well as, the communist legacy. In conclusion, it is argued that, although, PCRM government has made great achievements in foreign policies and in restructuring economy, Moldova’s score on democracy has worsened during its time in government, reflecting the ossified political ideology of communist party. It is this ossified political ideology alongside with the economic stagnation in its second term that led to the defeat of PCRM in the 2009 election and sent it back to opposition majority in the Parliament ultimately.

第一章 緒論…1
第一節 研究背景、動機與目的…1
第二節 研究途徑、方法、範圍與限制…7
第三節 文獻回顧…12
第四節 研究架構與章節安排…22
第二章 社會民主主義發展與更新…27
第一節 社會民主主義和共產主義之淵源…28
第二節 社會民主主義之更新:第三條路…48
第三節 摩爾多瓦共產黨之「革新社會主義」…62
第四節 小結…68
第三章 摩爾多瓦共產黨執政第一任期…70
第一節 摩爾多瓦共產黨分裂與重建…71
第二節 摩爾多瓦2001年國會與總統大選…81
第三節 施政表現…93
第四節 平衡外交…101
第五節 小結…117
第四章 摩爾多瓦共產黨執政第二任期…119
第一節 摩爾多瓦2005年國會與總統大選…120
第二節 施政表現…130
第三節 摩爾多瓦推特革命…144
第四節 小結…157
第五章 結論…159
附錄一 哥薩克備忘錄俄文版…164
圖 1.1 研究架構圖…23
圖2-1.1 社會民主主義與共產主義之關係…29
圖2-2.1 左派政治在政治光譜中的移動…57
圖3-2.1 摩爾多瓦2001年獲得議會席次之政黨得票結果…91
圖4-1.1 摩爾多瓦2005年獲得國會席次之政黨得票結果…124
圖4-2.1 摩爾多瓦國內生產總額(GDP)指標…134
圖4-2.2 2008~2009年公共服務效率…140
圖4-2.3 摩爾多瓦公部門中貪腐問題…149
表2-2.1 西歐與東歐社會民主主義之比較…60
表3-2.1 摩爾多瓦獨立後之總統及黨籍…88
表3-2.2 2000年總統大選…89
表3-2.3 2001年國會大選選舉人數資料…89
表3-2.4 2001年國會大選競選各黨派得票與席次分配…90
表3-3.1 自由之家的轉型國家評比與平均分數:摩爾多瓦,2001~2005年…99
表3-3.2 自由之家民主分數指標…100
表3-4.1 摩共執政前摩爾多瓦參與歐洲相關組織及協定之進程…112
表3-4.2 歐盟社區援助計畫金援摩爾多瓦之項目及金額統計…114
表4-1.1 2005年國會大選選舉人數資料…122
表4-1.2 2005年國會大選競選各黨派得票與席次分配…123
表4-2.1 自由之家的轉型國家評比與平均分數:摩爾多瓦,2005~2009年…133
表4-2.1 2005~2010年摩爾多瓦GDP與工農總產量…136
表4-2.2 2005~2009年摩爾多瓦政府支出項目(佔GDP 及政府總支出比例)…139
表4-2.3 退休金供款收入與支出(佔GDP之百分比)…142
表4-2.4 2005~2009年人均所得與退休金…142
表4-3.1 摩爾多瓦2009年4國會大選月及7月國會提前大選結果…154
表4-4.1 橙色進化與推特革命之比較…158

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11. “Социально-экономическое положение Республики Молдова- 2010 году”, Национальное Бюро Статистики, <http://www.statistica.md/pageview.php?l=ru&idc=263&id=2209>

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