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研究生(外文):Shih, Li Wei
論文名稱(外文):When theory meets practice:how do i modify the intuition of a practitioner?
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Researchers have been exploring the subject of how to forecast the trends of overall market and certain of sectors from adequate information so far. The analysis and forecasting of time series are also extensively utilized in a variety of applications. Not only practitioners but also academics have been focus on technical indicators. And recently more and more theories based on behavior finance, such as overreaction and underreaction. This study is attempting to investigate the approach of an analyst according to time series analysis, and especially concerned about the momentum indicator, which is combined with overreaction and underreaction.
Briefly, our conclusions are as follows: 1. The practitioner’s approach does really have its insight and predictive value. 2. After replacing variable from signals to holdings, the regression results have been improved. 3. We could indicate that the market value holding percentage of FINI in different sectors do really have significant influence toward T-statistics and coefficients of returnt-1 and cash ratiot-1.

Key words:Momentum, Overreaction, Underreaction.

I. Introduction and Motivation 1
II. Literature Reviews 4
III.Data and Methodology 7
3.1 Data Description 7
3.2 Analytical Approach of the Practitioner 9
3.3 Modeling of the Practitioners Approach 15
3.4 Modification of the Practitioners Approach 16
3.5 Methodology 21
3.5.1 The Unit Root Test 21
IV.Empirical Analysis 23
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 23
4.2 The Results of Unit Root Test 25
4.3 Multiple Regression Analysis 32
4.3.1 Dynamic Time Series Analysis 32
4.3.2 Cross Sectional Regression Analysis 39
V. Conclusion 42
Reference 44

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