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研究生(外文):Chen, Yu Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of the Warrant Market on the Stock Market and Investor Sentiment: Taiwan Evidence
外文關鍵詞:warrantstockliquidityconsolidationinvestor sentiment
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This paper examines the relation between the stock liquidity and warrants expiration in different extent of investor sentiment which is represented by VIX in Taiwan. We study the effect of trading consolidation by examining the response of liquidity and stock prices to the exercise of deep in-the-money call warrants. In general, the results indicate that the stock liquidity is improved apparently by market consolidation since warrants expired when investor sentiment is relatively low. On the other hand, the effect is insignificant when VIX is relatively high. Further, the price increase is positively related to post-exercise improvement in the stock liquidity when VIX is relatively low. While VIX rises, the relation gets feeble gradually. This phenomenon might be due to investors’ buying behavior such as arbitrage or hedge trading varying with different kinds of market situation.
Abstract I
I. Introduction 1
II. Data 3
III. Methodology 4
A. Trading Volume 4
B. Implicit Spread, Turnover, and Market Depth 4
C. The Relation of Liquidity Changes to Fragmentation 5
D. The Effect of Warrant Exercise on Stock Values 6
E. Investor Sentiment 7
IV. Empirical Results 8
A. Hypothesis 8
B. The Analysis of Abnormal Returns 9
C. Liquidity Change and Cumulative Abnormal Returns 15
D. Investor Sentiment 21
E. The Change in Investor Sentiment 28
V. Conclusions and Discussion 40
References 42
Appendix 44

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