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論文名稱(外文):Governmnet policy and economic growth under imperfect competition
外文關鍵詞:reserve requirement ratefinancial intermediarygovernment policyeconomic growth
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This study will first construct a two-period-lives overlapping generation model, indicating that when the young agents in the economy are facing “ liquidity preference shock”, financial intermediaries (banks) could disperse liquidity risk of young agents by the function of asset allocation, and to reach a purpose of representative individuals’ utility maximization.
In addition, when depositors have different degrees of risk aversion, this text also considers the condition whether financial intermediaries binds reserve requirement rate respectively, analyzing how to through the changes of the extent of imperfect competition of the intermediate goods production sector and the government policy affect its function of asset allocation, and the impact on productivity growth rate and nominal interest rate of the economy mainly influenced by this channel. Finally, we will further analyze how to affect the social welfare through changes in the economic parameters under the condition of binding reserve requirement rate.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 金融中介與經濟成長 4
第二節 政策干預之相關文獻 8
第三章 模型設定 11
第一節 總體經濟敘述 11
壹 效用函數與稟賦 11
貳 生產型態 12
參 政府支出 14
肆 金融機構 14
第二節 最適存款準備率 15
第三節 均衡情形討論 17
壹 最適存款準備率之均衡 19
貳 法定存款準備率之均衡 20
第四章 比較靜態 25
第一節 最適存款準備率的分析 25
壹 財政政策 25
貳 貨幣政策 27
參 生產中間財廠商的不完全競爭程度 31
第二節 法定存款準備率的分析 34
壹 財政政策 34
貳 貨幣政策 36
參 生產中間財廠商的不完全競爭程度 39
第三節 社會福利討論 42
第五章 結論 44
參考文獻 46
附錄 49

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