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研究生(外文):Fei-Hung Huang
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Chlorin-centered Polymeric Nanoparticles for Cancer Theragnosis
外文關鍵詞:NanoparticlesCancer therapyPhotosensitizer
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In this study, photosensitizer core polymers without or with paramagnetic metal ion insertion were synthesized and characterized. The synthesized photosensitizer-centered polymer assembled into stable nanoparticles that improved the solubility of the photosensitizer and prevented their aggregation. Our results show that higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were generated from the nanoparticles than from the free photosensitizer due to aggregation of the hydrophobic photosensitizer. The results indicate that nanoparticles should be considered as a potential biomaterial for use in a photodynamic therapy (PDT) for cancer treatment. Our results also show that the particles with insertion of paramagnetic metal can be a contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) application. Thus, these nanoparticles are potentially good candidates as theranostic agents in the future.

List of Figures..........................................vii
List of Tables............................................xi
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................1
1-1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging.............................1
1-1-1 Mechanisms of MR Contrast............................1
1-1-2 MR Contrast Image....................................2
1-1-3 Spin-Lattice Relaxation (Longitudinal Relaxation)....4
1-1-4 Spin-Spin Relaxation (Transverse Relaxation).........5
1-1-5 Contrast Agents......................................7
1-2 Biologically Activated MR contrast agents..............9
1-3 Photodynamic Therapy for Cancer.......................10
1-4 Nanoparticles with PDT or MRI functions...............12
Chapter2: Experimental Design and Method..................14
2-1 Experimental Design...................................14
2-2 Instruments...........................................14
2-3 Materials.............................................15
2-4 Experimental Methods..................................16
2-4-1 Synthesis of Chlorin e6-Poly(ε-caprolactone) Conjugate.................................................16
2-4-2 Insertion of Manganese Ion into Chlorin e6 Poly(ε-caprolactone) Polymers....................................17
2-4-3 Preparation of CPCL or Mn-CPCL Nanoparticles........18
2-4-4 Detection of ROS Produced by CPCL Polymer/Nanoparticles.....................................18
2-4-5 In Vitro MR Images..................................19
2-4-6 Cell Line and Culture Conditions....................19
2-4-7 Cytotoxicity and Phototoxicity of CPCL or Mn-CPCL Nanoparticles in MCF-7/ADR Cells..........................20
Chapter 3: Results and Discussion.........................22
3-1 Characterization of CPCL Polymers.....................22
3-1-1 Synthesis and Characterization of CPCL Polymers.....22
3-1-2 UV-Vis and Fluorescence Spectra of CPCL Polymers....24
3-2 Characterization of Mn-CPCL Polymers..................26
3-2-1 Structure of Manganese Ions Inserted into CPCL Polymers..................................................26
3-2-2 UV-Vis and Fluorescence Spectra of Mn-CPCL Polymers.29
3-2-3 Amount of Manganese in Mn-CPCL Polymers.............30
3-3 Characterization of CPCL Nanoparticles................31
3-3-1 Size Distribution of CPCL Nanoparticles.............31
3-3-2 Morphology of CPCL Nanoparticles....................32
3-3-3 Stability of CPCL Nanoparticles.....................33
3-3-4 UV-Vis and Fluorescence Spectra of CPCL Nanoparticles.............................................34
3-3-5 ROS generation of CPCL Polymer/Nanoparticles........38
3-4 Characterization of Mn-CPCL Nanoparticles.............40
3-4-1 Size distribution of Mn-CPCL Nanoparticles..........40
3-4-2 Morphology of Mn-CPCL Nanoparticles.................40
3-4-3 Stability of Mn-CPCL Nanoparticles..................42
3-4-4 UV-Vis and Fluorescence Spectra of Mn-CPCL Nanoparticles.............................................43
3-4-5 Amount of Manganese Determine of CPCL Nanoparticles.45
3-5 In Vitro MR Images....................................45
3-6 Cytotoxicity and Phototoxicity of CPCL and Mn-CPCL Nanoparticles in MCF-7/ADR Cells..........................48
Chapter 4: Conclusions....................................50

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