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研究生(外文):Jin-Mien Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Chlorella sorokiniana T89 cDNA annotation and functional gene analysis
外文關鍵詞:Chlorella sorokiniana T89annotatedsuperoxide dismutases
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Chlorella sorokiniana T89為台灣嘉義水稻田所篩選出的小球藻,其genomic DNA與cDNA之定序與註解至今仍未有研究發表。小球藻油脂含量高達30%,且富含不飽和脂肪酸,十分適合作為生質柴油或機能性食品。經培養不同生長狀態的小球藻,萃取其RNA並轉成cDNA,藉由Illumina 定序系統得到基因片段序列contigs,分析其表現量差異;進行NCBI與KEGG之BLAST進行註解,了解各contig所比對之基因與其參與的pathway map。從差異表現量的註解資料中,選取抗氧化機制中扮演重要角色之酵素─超氧歧化

The heat-talent Chlorella sorokiniana T89 was cloned from Chiayi paddy field. The genomic DNA and cDNA annotated data was unpublished so far. The lipid content of C. sorokiniana T89 was up to 30% and rich in unsaturated fatty acids which were suitable as biodiesel and functional foods. Culturs of C. sorokiniana T89 at different growth stages were used for RNA extracted and converted into cDNA for future sequencing analysis. Then get the contigs sequence data by Illumina sequencing system. Contigs were predicted their function via sequence alignment by using BLAST tools from NCBI and KEGG to find gene functions. Among the annotated genes with differential expression, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) which plays an importante role at antioxidant pathways was selected for further cloning, expression and biochemical characterization. In the future, we can use the annotation database to study the genes involved in physiological pathway of C. sorokiniana T89 andto developict as a good resource of biodiesel.

論文摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2.1 小球藻Chlorella sorokiniana T89 2
2.2 核酸定序系統 3
2.3 BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) 3
2.4 超氧歧化

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