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研究生(外文):Sheng-Ming Chen
論文名稱(外文):Fine-mapping and Phenotypic Characterization of a Major QTL for Root Development
指導教授(外文):Wei-Ming Leu
外文關鍵詞:riceroot dvelopmentfine-mapping
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TNG67與SA1613.1這兩個純品系栽培種具有正常的外表型,但雜交產生的F2子代在分蘗數及根部性狀上出現連續分佈的分離現象,暗示有一數量遺傳基因座(QTL)控制此性狀變化。本實驗室利用F2族群進行初步基因座定位分析,得知第1號及11號染色體上各有一個主效基因座,分別命名為qPN1、qPN11(各自對性狀的影響約為22%)。當qPN1與qPN11的基因型組合為[T,S] (逗號前後分別代表qPN1與 qPN11; T:TNG67, S: SA1613.1, H: heterozygous)時,外表型為單分蘗且少根,稱這種性狀為rolts (rootless plant with tiny single tiller)
為了避免其他QTL干擾,並對qPN11進行精確基因座定位分析,所以想利用回交的方式建立近同源品系(NIL),但是發現回交產生的近同源品系為單分蘗,無法獲的足夠的子代。因此,改變計畫以連續自交方式,獲得在qPN1及qPN11皆為異型接合狀態,其餘部分皆為TNG67基因型的回交重組自交品系(BRIL),育種過程則以分子標誌篩選(MAS)輔助進行。目前利用140株BC2F5植株,可將qPN11基因座候選區間縮小至2 Mb;且判斷候選基因座最有可能落在InDel分子標誌I32635-1與D32674之間,約300 kb的區間內。
使用水耕栽培針對rolts性狀進行觀察,結果顯示基因型是[T,S]的植株在種子萌芽5天後就出現種子根較短、側根數降低且無不定根的情況。持續以水耕方式種植,發現分蘗數目可以回復,但不定根在長度及數量上遠低於親本,據以判斷qPN11主要影響根部發育,而非分蘗數。由於水稻根的形成起始於節點(node),,於是計數rolts植株的節點數目,結果顯示與正常植株並無差異,表示根部性狀應是本身結構異常所致。進一步的,我們利用冷凍掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察14天的秧苗的種子根,發現其橫向結構(radial patterning)並無異常;以共軛焦顯微鏡觀察,發現種子根縱向表層細胞的大小與組織構造基本上均正常,惟細胞壁較厚且多摺皺,細胞形狀較不規則,最明顯的是,在根部延長區(elongation zone)沒有發現長細胞,因此推測rolts性狀主要是由細胞在延長上的缺陷所導致。

Two rice lines, TNG67 and SA1613.1, usually produce 6~7 panicles each plant but their F2 progenies have wide segregations in panicle number and root biomass, indicate quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in this trait. Primary mapping on a F2 population revealed two major QTL, qPN1 and qPN11, each with ~22% phenotypic variation explained (PVE). When both qPN1 alleles are from TNG67, allele of qPN11 from SA1613.1 acts dominantly to produce rootless plant with tiny single tiller, abbreviated as “rolts”.
To characterize effect of the qPN11 allele independently, and to construct materials for its fine-mapping, a Near-Isogenic Line (NIL) was supposed to be established by backcrossing. However, the tiny single tiller phenotype for such a NIL hindered this process. A Backcrossed Recombinant Inbreed Line (BRIL) which heterozygous on both qPN1 and qPN11 but mostly homozygous as TNG67 throughout the genome was therefore established instead. Marker-assisted selections (MAS) were employed during the breeding process. Finally, using 146 BC2F5 segregating progenies from the selected BC2F4 BRIL line, candidate genes for qPN11 was narrowed down to a 2 Mb region, most likely reside between two InDel markers, I32635-4 and D32674, which is 300 kb apart.
To characterize phenotypic defects of rolts, BC2F5 segregating seedlings were screened by markers that associated with qPN1 and qPN11. Hydroponic culture of rolts seedlings revealed an early symptom on 5 DAG, showing short seminal root, very few lateral root and absence of adventitious root. Noticeably, formation of tiller but not adventitious root resumed if rolts seedlings were remained within hydroponic culture, indicates that no major defect for its tiller development. Moreover, node seems to be formed normally in rolts plant as its node number reached ~15 in mature plants, although very tiny. Cryo scanning electron microscopic examination of 14 DAG seedlings revealed a similar radial structure between normal and rolts plants, suggesting that pattern formation and differentiation are not affected. Further confocal microscopic studies suggest that rolts plant is basically normal in cell size and organization, with thicker cell wall and more varied cell shape. However, no long cell can be found in the root elongation zone and almost all cell form root hair. Therefore, the major defect for rolts seems to be on cell elongation.

(一) 台農67號 (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica, cv.
Tainung 67;TNG67……………………………………7
(二) SA1613和SA1613.1………………………………………7
(三) SA1613.1×TNG67的BC1F1至BC2F5世代…………………7
(一) 水稻基因組DNA之小量萃取……………………………7
(二) InDel分子標誌的設計.…………………………………8
(三) InDe、SSRl分子標誌的聚合酶鏈反應(Polymerase
chain reaction;PCR)條件及步驟…………………8
(四) 分子標誌的分析…………………………………………8
(五) 水稻水耕栽培法…………………………………………8
(六) 冷凍斷裂與蝕刻法………………………………………9
(七) 石蠟包埋切片法…………………………………………9
(八) mPS-PI染色法……………………………………………9
一、建立TNG67回交重組自交系(Bacross recombinant inbreed
一、找尋I32635-4至I33724A (2.04 Mb)的重組植株…………16

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