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研究生(外文):Chien-Yen Liu
論文名稱(外文):Stress-Induced Spontaneous Growth of TiO2 Nanostructres
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一維金屬氧化物奈米結構常利用物理氣相沉積法及化學氣相沉積法等製程複雜、成本昂貴的氣相方法來成長;近期水溶液法因成本低廉且可大面積成長奈米結構而逐漸受到重視,但不論是氣相或液相法接無法直接得到圖案化之奈米結構陣列。因此本研究創新提出結合應力與水溶液法的概念,在室溫下不需任何反應前驅物,即可於二氧化鈦薄膜上自發性成長一維二氧化鈦奈米結構。所成長之二氧化鈦奈米結構依成長環境不同 (濕度由低至高) 具有不同形貌,分別為豆狀、竹葉狀及角錐狀。應力越大則所成長之奈米結構分布越廣,在一定應力作用下成長量最多;但若二氧化鈦薄膜形成裂縫而釋放應力,將造成奈米結構數量減少。擺置時間越長則奈米結構之尺寸越大,濕度及溫度亦會造成奈米結構形態上的差異。在高濕度下所成長之奈米結構為TiO2•2.5H2O,含水量高、較不穩定,而在一般濕度下所成長之奈米結構則為TiO2•0.4H2O,帶水量較少、相對較為穩定。

Because of low cost and the ability to grow large-area one-dimensional nanostructures of metal oxides, aqueous deposition has received more attention compared to the complex and expensive physical vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition processed. However, neither the gaseous nor liquid-phase process can directly obtain patterned nanostructure arrays. Therefore in this study, a new method that combines stress-induced and aqueous growth has been proposed for spontaneous growth of one-dimensional nanostructures on TiO2 film at room temperature without the use of any precursor. The results showed that the growth of TiO2 nanostructures varied under different environments in the form of (humidity from low to high) bean-like, bamboo-shaped or pyramid feature. With increasing stress, the growth nanostructures distributed more widely: at a certain degree of stress, the largest number of TiO2 nanostructures was obtained. Crack formation on TiO2 film resulted in stress release and led to the reduction in number of nanostructures. With increasing storing time, the size of the nanostructrues emlarged; both humidity and temperature influenced the morphology of nanostructures. At a high humidity, the growth nanostructures were identified as TiO2•2.5H2O that contained more water and were less stable; at a low humidity, the nanostructures were TiO2•0.4H2Othat contained less water and were more stable.

壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 2
2-1奈米材料 2
2-2二氧化鈦 7
2-2-1二氧化鈦之結構與基本性質 7
2-2-2二氧化鈦奈米結構之應用 11
2-3一維二氧化鈦奈米結構製備 12
2-3-1物理氣相沉積法 12
2-3-2化學氣相沉積法 14
2-3-3水溶液法 16
2-4應力誘發奈米結構成長 18
2-4-1應力誘發自發性成長 18
2-4-2機械應力分佈與作用 24
2-4-3二氧化鈦表面化學 29
2-5研究目的 34
叁、實驗步驟 35
3-1實驗規劃 35
3-2材料與製程 36
3-2-1基板準備 36
3-2-2氧化鈦薄膜濺鍍 36
3-2-3刮痕製作 36
3-2-4靜置 36
3-3分析儀器 38
3-3-1高解析X光繞射分析儀 (HRXRD) 38
3-3-2奈米壓痕儀 (Nanoindenter) 38
3-3-3場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 (FE-SEM) 38
3-3-4聚焦離子束微影系統 (FIB) 38
3-3-5高解析穿透式電子顯微鏡 (HRTEM) 39
肆、結果與討論 42
4-1氧化鈦薄膜結構 42
4-2應力與奈米結構成長之關係 45
4-3環境因素對奈米晶體成長之影響 54
4-3-1時間因素 54
4-3-2濕度因素 59
4-3-3溫度因素 62
4-3奈米晶體結構分析 64
4-3-1相對濕度98%成長之奈米晶體 64
4-3-2相對濕度70% 成長之奈米晶體 71
4-4奈米晶體熱穩定性 76
4-5奈米結構成長機制 82
伍、結論 84
陸、參考文獻 85

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