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研究生(外文):Jhih-Wei Liao
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Engine Operating Condition and Secondary Fuel Injection Rate on the Regeneration Process of Diesel Engine Particulate Filter
外文關鍵詞:Diesel Particulate FilterRegeneration ProcessDilution System
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Nowadays, the steady regeneration system is the best substitution for the boiler regeneration. Although vehicles have to stop the DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) to regenerate, it takes less time. DPF usually be regenerated the by the boilers, and blow away the residual carbon particles after the regeneration, which takes too much time, and thus causing most of people have no interest to installing the DPF.
The Direct Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) is an important element in the regeneration, it has different operating temperature and diesel conversion efficiency, and the condition varies with the fuel injection rate. In this article, different burning fuel injection and the simulation value of burned fuel, were compared, results showed the fuel is not totally combusted. It is observed that regeneration process are complicated and related to the fuel injection rate、the oxygen density in exhaust and the inlet temperature of DOC.
The steady regeneration was operated under different steady engine speed and engine load operating condition. The main operating variables are exhaust temperature、fuel injection rate and regeneration time. The exhaust temperature and the fuel injection rate can effects the delay time of DOC, and the temperature ramp after the DOC. The regeneration time is based on the accumulated carbon particles in the DPF. When the exhaust temperature is controlled at 350℃,the fuel injection rate on 27%,the temperature ramp is 0.95, the regeneration time is 17.83 minutes, and the total fuel injection is 800c.c., 96% of the carbon particles can be burned out according to the weight record.
In the DPF regeneration period, the exhaust temperature is very high, we may there are some humid air and high temperature exhaust pass through the PM2.5 were found. The dilution system must construct to make sure that under high exhaust temperature condition exhaust can be sampled. A simulated test using pure CO2 as engine exhaust was carried out to validate the system performance. It was found that the dilute ratio varied in the range of 18~22, with the average value of 19.7 and standard deviation of 1.4%.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2 濾煙器簡介 3
1.2.1濾煙器介紹 3
1.2.2再生分類 5
1.2.3 ISUZU濾煙系統介紹 6
1.2.4 Ford濾煙系統介紹 9
1.2.5 GM濾煙系統介紹 10
1.3文獻回顧 12
1.4 研究動機與方法 14
第二章 實驗系統設置 15
2.1 實驗設備 15
2.1.1柴油引擎 15
2.1.2引擎動力計 17
2.1.3濾煙器之擴散器 18
2.2 濾煙器規格尺寸 18
2.2.1氧化觸媒介紹 19
2.2.2濾煙器介紹 20
2.3再生設備介紹 22
2.3.1 再生之噴嘴 22
2.3.2 柴油與空氣混合之電磁閥 22
2.3.3 訊號控制端 23
2.3.4 油泵系統 25
第三章 氧化觸媒轉化率 26
3.1觸媒轉化率模式 27
3.2觸媒轉化率計算結果 29
3.3觸媒轉化率驗證 36
3.4觸媒轉化反應機制 40
第四章 再生實驗 45
4.1 再生實驗步驟及方法 45
4.2 再生噴油率及排氣溫度固定 47
4.3排氣溫度固定,噴油率變化 49
4.3.1第二次再生 49
4.3.2第五次再生 51
4.3.3第六次再生 53
4.3.4第七次再生 55
4.3.5第八次再生 57
4.3.6第十一次再生 59
4.3.7第十二次再生 61
4.3.8第十三次再生 63
4.4排氣溫度變化,噴油量變化 65
4.4.1第一次再生 65
4.5 排氣溫度變化,噴油量固定 67
4.5.1第四次再生 67
4.6結果與討論 69
4.6.1 不同排氣溫度對DOC的停滯時間於再生之比較 69
4.6.2 不同溫度變化率對於再生之比較 70
4.6.3不同碳量對於再生過程之比較 72
4.6.4 濾煙器清除效率 73
4.6.5 較好再生條件 74
第五章 稀釋道系統 76
5.1 濾煙器設計與介紹 78
5.2 稀釋道系統設備 80
5.2.1 壓縮機與儲存空氣桶 80
5.2.2節流閥 81
5.2.3 高效微粒過濾器與活性碳 82
5.2.4流量計 83
5.2.5微差壓計 84
5.2.6真空泵 84
5.3稀釋道數學模式 85
5.4 稀釋道實驗與驗證 87
第六章 結論 92
參考文獻 94

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