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研究生(外文):Yu-Tze Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Measurement and control of diffusivity in nanochannels
指導教授(外文):Gou-Jen Wang
外文關鍵詞:Silicon nanoporeDiffusivity measurementDiffusivity control
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依Fick’s law,離子會由高濃度區往低濃度區擴散,主要是利用濃度梯度之擴散作用。本研究提出即時量測奈米孔洞之擴散電流、奈米孔洞二端之離子濃度,估測擴散係數與離子濃度梯度之簡單方法,並進一步製作奈米孔洞薄膜,以奈米孔洞薄膜隔離兩化學槽之溶液,量測帶電粒子於奈米孔洞之擴散係數。
本研究亦以陽極氧化結合背部濕蝕刻方式製作高深寬比之單奈米孔矽基薄膜,進行擴散係數量測。由於單奈米孔矽基薄膜是仿效場效電晶體,可施加不同閘極偏壓於矽基薄膜上來控制擴散係數;當施加正偏壓時由於電雙層表面為負離子,當鉀離子通過奈米通道時會被電雙層吸引,導致擴散係數下降,當施加負偏壓時,電雙層表面則是正離子,使得鉀離子通過奈米通道時,而被靜電斥力侷限於孔洞中央,使通道間之布朗運動效應減少,讓離子能夠更有效通過奈米孔洞,導致擴散係數上升。由於奈米孔洞中之物質為溶液,而閘極亦透過半導體n-type材料與溶液連結,故此裝置或可稱Metal- Semiconductor-Solution Field Effect Transistor (MSSFET)。若工作在linear region,則擴散係數大致與閘極偏壓相關,亦即若初始濃度差夠大則奈米孔洞之擴散係數可以閘極偏線性控制。

Diffusion is the ruling manner of the migration of ions through a nanochannel. Diffusion due to concentration gradient allows particles to travel from higher- concentration areas to lower-concentration areas. In this study, a simple principle for the detection of the diffusivity of nanoparticles in a nanochannel based on the Fick’s first law is proposed.
To verify the proposed diffusion coefficient measuring method, both aluminum oxide membrane (AAO) membranes and silicon membranes having single pore are used as the membrane to separate two analytes with different concentrations. At the first stage, anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membranes replace membranes with single nanochannels for the measurement of the diffusivity. An electrochemical bath is built that can hold an AAO membrane separating vessels with different ion concentrations. The difference in ionic concentration across channels can be estimated in terms of the difference in conductance as measured using an electrochemical analyzer. The diffusivity in the nanochannel can be estimated by simply plotting the natural logarithmic value of the electrolyte conductance difference across the nanochannel versus time and then calculating the slope. The average diffusivity in an AAO membrane with a nanopore diameter of around 90 nm and a thickness of 60μm was measured to be 1.14+-0.01*10-9m2/sec.
The back-side track etching is then used to fabricate a nanopore on n-type silicon substrates. A metal-semiconductor-solution field-effect transistor (MSFET) that is analogous to a metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) with structure variations is implemented to control the diffusion current. When a positive gate voltage is applied, negative charges are attracted to the surface of the double-layer in the nanopore. Accordingly, those cations travelling through the nanopore are dragged to the negative charges; hence the diffusion coefficient is decreased. On the contrary, a negative gate voltage will push the cations and confine them to the center part of the nanopore such that a more efficient diffusion is achieved. i.e. The diffusion coefficient is increased.

致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2論文大綱 5
第二章 製程技術介紹 6
2.1 微機電系統技術簡介 6
2.2 體型微加工技術 6
2.3 薄膜沉積 7
2.4 微影技術(Photolithogrephy) 8
2.5 蝕刻技術 10
2.5.1 乾式蝕刻 10
2.5.2 濕式蝕刻 10
第三章 實驗原理和方法 13
3.1 實驗原理 13
3.2 擴散係數量測方法 15
第四章 實驗材料與設備 18
4-1 實驗材料 18
4-2製程設備 18
4-3 檢測設備 19
4-4夾具設備 20
第五章 奈米孔洞薄膜製作 22
5.1 陽極氧化鋁膜薄膜製作 22
5.1.1 對陽極氧化鋁膜進行擴散係數量測之可行性分析 22
5.1.2 陽極氧化鋁膜製程 23
5.2 矽基奈米孔洞薄膜製作 28
5.2.1蝕刻設備 28
5.2.2 製程之光罩 28
5.2.3 製程步驟: 29
5.3 矽基奈米孔洞薄膜之蝕刻液選配 34
第六章 實驗與結果討論 35
6.1擴散係數量測架構 35
6.2 陽極氧化鋁膜擴散係數量測 35
6.3 單奈米孔矽基薄膜擴散係數量測 42
第七章 結論與未來展望 47
7.1 結論 47
7.2 未來展望 48
參考文獻 49

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