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研究生(外文):Po-Chang Wu
論文名稱(外文):Effect on Growth and Flowering of Nitrogen Form and Plant Growth Regulator on Nobile Type Dendrobium
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Song Lin
外文關鍵詞:Nobile-type DendrobiumNitrogen form ratioMediumFloweringPseudobulb
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本試驗使用三個春石斛蘭品種Dendrobium Sakura、Dendrobium Lucky Angel‘M-1’、Dendrobium Red Emperors‘Black King’為試驗材料,探討不同hoagland and arnon nutrient solution基本養液配方的氮源肥料與混和介質,另外,使用三種春石斛蘭Dendrobium Hamana Lake x Dendrobium Lai’s Hunnter Stage、Dendrobium Lai’s Christmas、Dendrobium Arco Pearl Queen於不同的GA+BA 混合液之濃度下對植株生育之影響及提高開花率的效果。
在總氮濃度210ppm不同氮源比例處理下,Dendrobium Sakura於三種混和介質中以NO3--N:NH4+-N比例為6:1處理下皆有100%的開花率,而每個節上之花序數、花芽產生率與花芽數則於各介質處理下,隨著NH4+-N比例的增加植株也較生長於NO3--N:NH4+-N為1:0時佳;而Dendrobium Lucky Angel ‘M-1’除水苔/椰子塊/椰子纖維混合介質外,其他兩種混和介質皆以NO3--N:NH4+-N比例為6:1處理下皆有較高的開花率,分別為93.75%與93.33% ,而每個節上之花序數、花芽產生率與花芽數則於各介質處理下,對於不同氮源有著不同的反應;Dendrobium Red Emperors‘Black King以NO3--N:NH4+-N比例為1:0處理下有較高的表現,而每個節上之花序數、花芽產生率與花芽數則於各介質處理下,無法看出各氮源間彼此之明顯差異。
以不同濃度的GA與BA混合液處理三種春石斛品種,測量植株假球莖與開花表現之影響,春石斛蘭Dendrobium Lai’s Christmas、Dendrobium Arco Pearl Queen與Dendrobium Hamana Lake x Dendrobium Lai’s Hunnter Stage三種品種在處理第5周後,對於植株假球莖之寬、厚度似乎沒有明顯差異,而不同濃度GA+BA mixed liquids處理對於春石斛蘭Dendrobium Lai’s Christmas與Dendrobium Arco Pearl Queen兩品種於開花表現上均有些許影響,Dendrobium Lai’s Christmas以GA 150 mgL-1+BA 200mgL-1處理有較高的開花率為85.71%,其次為GA 100 mgL-1 +BA 200mgL-1與對照組處理之開花率皆為71.43%;而Dendrobium Arco Pearl Queen以GA 50 mgL-1+BA 200mgL-1 與GA 100 mgL-1+BA 200mgL-1處理有較高的開花率皆為66.67%,其次為GA 150 mgL-1+BA 200mgL-1 與GA 200 mgL-1+BA 200mgL-1處理之開花率皆為33.33%,而對照組處理開花率較低。Dendrobium Hamana Lake x Dendrobium Lai’s Hunnter Stage於本試驗以不同濃度的GA與BA混合液處理似乎對假球莖與開花表現沒有顯著影響,本試驗在種間差異上皆導致結果有所不同。

Dendrobium Sakura and Dendrobium Lucky Angel‘M-1’and Dendrobium Red Emperors ‘Black King’ were used in this study to research the effect of different nitrogen form ratios, different cultural mediums, and different GA+BA mixed liquids treatments on growth and regulating the flowering of nobile-type Dendrobium, and increasing flowering rate.
Dendrobium Sakura and Dendrobium Lucky Angel‘M-1’and Dendrobium Red Emperors ‘Black King were fertilized with nitrogen forms in NO3--N:NH4+-N=6:1 resulted 100% rate of flowering, however, on the number of flowers each node, the rate of nodes with flowers and the total number of flower buds was in the media treatments, when the NH4+-N ratio was higher, the plants grew better than in the NO3--N:NH4+-N = 1:0. However, Dendrobium Lucky Angel ‘M-1’ with fine bark #4/cocoanut chop/cocoanut fibers and cocoanut chop/cocoanut fibers mixture mediums both with nitrogen forms in NO3--N:NH4+-N=6:1 resulted in higher rate of flowering except sphagnum moss/cocoanut chop/cocoanut fibers mixture medium, the rate of flowering were 93.75% and 93.33% respectively, and on the number of flowers each node, the rate of nodes with flowers and the number of flower buds in the media treatments, different nitrogen form ratio treatments had different effects. Dendrobium Red Emperors‘Black King with nitrogen forms in NO3--N:NH4+-N=1:0 resulted in higher rate of flowering, and on the number of flowers each node, the rate of nodes with flowers and the number of flower buds in treatments were no significantly different.
Three nobile-type Dendrobium species Dendrobium Lai''s Christmas, Dendrobium Arco Pearl Queen and Dendrobium Hamana Lake x Dendrobium Lai''s Hunnter Stage in different GA+BA mixed liquids concentrations treatments. After five weeks the the width and thickness of pseudobulbs were no significantly different, and different concentrations of GA+BA mixed liquids treatment for the flowering performance of Dendrobium Lai''s Christmas and Dendrobium Arco Pearl Queen in the two species have little impact, and Dendrobium Lai''s Christmas with GA 150 mgL-1 + BA 200 mgL-1 treatment had the higher rate of flowering was 85.71%, followed by GA 100 mgL-1 + BA 200mgL-1 and control the rate of flowering were both 71.43%. Dendrobium Arco Pearl Queen with GA 50 mgL-1 + BA 200mgL-1 and GA 100 mgL-1 + BA 200mgL-1 treatment had the higher rate of flowering were both 66.67%, followed by GA 150 mgL-1 + BA 200mgL-1 and GA 200 mgL-1 + BA 200mgL-1 treatment were both 33.33%, and the control was the lowest. Dendrobium Hamana Lake x Den. Lai''s Hunnter Stage in this study, treatment with different GA+BA mixed liquids concentrations, and the pseudobulbs and flowering seem to no significantly different. This study on the difference between spices resulted somewhat different result.

前言(Introduction)………………………………………………………………….. 1
前人研究(Literature review)……………………………………………………….. 2
一、 石斛蘭植株特性……………………………………………………………...2
二、 肥培對春石斛開花之影響…………………………………………………...3
三、 涼溫處理對春石斛開花之影響……………………………………………...4
四、 GA+BA 混合液於花卉上之應用……………………………………………6
五、 GA與BA於花卉作物之應用……………………………………………….7
六、 GA與BA對蘭花開花之影響………………………………………………8
材料方法(Marterials and Methods)………………………………………………. 12
一、 植物材料…………………………………………………………………….12
二、 試驗方法…………………………………………………………………….12
三、 植株介質物化性調查……………………………………………………….14
四、 植株性狀調查及分析方法………………………………………………….15
五、 統計分析……………………………………………………………….……17
一、 不同介質種類之物理及化學特性之調查……………….………………….18
二、 不同介質種類與氮肥型態對春石斛生長之影響…………………….....….18
三、 不同介質與氮肥型態處理對春石斛蘭葉片及假球莖碳水化合物與開花之影響………………………………………………………………….……….23
四、 不同濃度GA+BA 混合液對於假球莖肥大及性狀之影響……….……….28
一、 不同介質種類之物理及化學特性…………………………………………..81
二、 不同介質種類與氮肥型態對春石斛生長之影響…………………………..82
三、 不同介質與氮肥型態處理對春石斛蘭葉片及假球莖碳水化合物與開花之影響…………………………………………………………………………..83
四、 不同濃度GA+BA混合液對於假球莖肥大及性狀之影響………………..85

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