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研究生(外文):Shih-Ying Su
論文名稱(外文):A power saving technique for ZigBee network by using RSSI
指導教授(外文):Der-Chen Huang
外文關鍵詞:ZigBeeRSSI802.15.4Monte Carlo Methods
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為此IEEE設立了802.15工作小組,負責提出低速短距離無線傳輸無線網路標準議案,在業界引起極大的迴響,自1998年開始發展,最初由Honeywell公司組成的ZigBee Alliance所主導,著重於低耗電、低成本、感應式網路等功能之發展,並於2001年向IEEE提案,將ZigBee技術納入IEEE 802.15.4標準規範之中,自此,ZigBee逐漸成為產業共通的短距離無線通訊技術之一。ZigBee可運用在許多領域,例如:環境監控、數位家庭、健康照護、戰場管理……等等,上述的應用皆有一個特色就是要求節能。

Wireless network technology has been developed several decades. It plays a very important role in improving the living convenience for the human. In general, wireless sensor network (WSN) has been applied in many applications such as smart environments, habitat monitoring, surveillance and tracking systems. Thus, the improving of sensor node has been becoming very important.

The IEEE has organized 802.15 work teams to propose the low speed short distance wireless transmission standard. In 1998, the Honeywell Company has presented a WSN ZigBee technology, which has been denoted as an IEEE 802.15.4 by IEEE organization. This technology has the advantages of low power and low overhead in considering the implementation of either software or hardware.
There are many researches have focused on the issue of how to save energy consumption. However, most of these researches adopt a fixed radio power regardless the distance or location of each sensor node. It induces that the total energy consumption for the WSN cannot be ensured to be minimum. To resolve this issue, this paper proposes a new topology setup mechanism based on the radio signal strength to reduce the hop number in WSN such that the total energy consumption can be reduced. A simulation platform has been setup to demonstrated the correctness and efficiency of our proposed works. Several signals with different signal strength have been selected to evaluate the performance of this proposed work. The experimental results show that choosing proper radio strength induces the reduction of hop while considering the transmission in the WSN.

目 錄
摘要 i
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
1.1 前言 - 1 -
1.2 研究動機 - 2 -
1.3 論文架構 - 3 -
第二章 相關文獻及背景資料探討 - 4 -
2.1 ZigBee 無線感測網路文獻介紹 - 4 -
2.2 ZigBee簡介 - 4 -
2.2.1 ZigBee頻率頻寬與頻道 - 5 -
2.2.2 ZigBee無線感測網路協定 - 7 -
2.2.3 ZigBee 網路拓樸 - 8 -
2.2.4 ZigBee 網路位址(PAN ID)與位址容量 - 10 -
2.3 RSSI 理論 - 13 -
2.4 蒙地卡羅法(Monte Carlo Methods) - 14 -
2.4.1 Quasi蒙地卡羅法(Monte Carlo Methods) - 16 -
2.4.2 低差異性數列的特性與演算法 - 16 -
第三章 系統設計與模擬 - 22 -
3.1 ZigBee感測器網路的佈建 - 22 -
3.1.1 一般亂數取法 - 23 -
3.1.2 Quasi蒙地卡羅法(Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods)亂數取法 - 25 -
3.2 ZigBee網路(Network)的建立 - 27 -
3.3 基於RSSI(信號強度)的ZigBee網路 - 31 -
3.3.1 基於RSSI(信號強度)的ZigBee網路演算法 - 33 -
第四章 實驗模擬與分析 - 34 -
4.1 實驗環境 - 34 -
4.2 ZigBee網路節點的佈建 - 35 -
4.3 以叢集樹狀拓樸建立ZigBee網路 - 35 -
4.4 基於RSSI建構的ZigBee網路 - 37 -
4.5 RSSI ZigBee網路各距離的模擬結果 - 39 -
第五章 結論與未來展望 - 42 -
5.1 結論 - 42 -
5.2未來展望 - 42 -
參考文獻 - 43 -

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