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研究生(外文):Tung-Hua Yeh
論文名稱(外文):High Level Synthesis Methodology for Highly Testable and Nonzero Clock Skew Low Power Design
外文關鍵詞:high-level synthesistest synthesisnonzero clock skewlow power design
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目前的電子應用產品如:智慧型手機與車用電子皆是十分複雜的系統,使得現今的暫存器轉移階層(register transfer level, RTL)設計流程面臨嚴峻的挑戰。 因此,電路設計者必須付諸更多努力與代價,才能使產品即時上市。
電子系統層級(electronic system level, ESL) 是一個全新的晶片設計方法。此方法能夠大為降低設計晶片的複雜度與困難,其原因為:相對於暫存器轉移階層設計方式,電子系統層級的晶片設計與驗證十分有效率。另一方面,軟體與硬體在電子系統層級可以協同設計或模擬,大大地縮短所需的設計時程。然而,電子系統層級與暫存器轉移階層的設計流程仍然存在一個缺口,因此需一個硬體編譯器轉換並整合這兩種不同的設計方式。
高階合成(high level synthesis, HLS) 根據給定的設計目標,將電路之行為描述轉換成暫存器轉移階層描述。許多實體問題如:高功率消耗與低可測試性是源於不好的暫存器轉移階層架構,這些問題應於高階合成時解決。本篇論文開發一個高階合成系統,針對不同的設計條件與目標,產生適合並滿足給定設計條件的暫存器轉移階層架構。此高階合成系統包含數個合成方法。第三章提出一個以可測試性為導向的合成方法。第四章在功能模式與測試模式下,考量溫度感知之電路設計。第五章提出一個整合非零時序差異管理 (clock skew management)與以低功率為目標的合成方法。

Modern consumer electronic applications, including smart phone and automotive electronics, become very complicated. The time-to-market requirement of such applications has become a serious challenge for contemporary register transfer level (RTL) design flow.
Electronic system level (ESL) is a novel design methodology that can reduce designers’ efforts greatly since describing and verifying a design in ESL is more efficient than in RTL. On the other hand, co-design and co-simulation of software and hardware can be carried out in ESL; therefore design cycle can be shortened greatly. However, a gap exists between ESL flow and RTL flow; a hardware complier is required to transform and integrate these two different design methods.
High level synthesis (HLS) generates RTL descriptions from behavioral descriptions according to given design targets. Many physical problems like high power consumption and low testability are caused by bad RTL architectures, and these problems should be solved during high level synthesis. In this dissertation, we develop an HLS system that considers various design targets to generate appropriate RTL architectures that meet given design constraints. Several synthesis methodologies are given in our HLS system. A testability driven synthesis method is given in Chapter 3. The method in Chapter 4 considers thermal issue in both normal operations and during test to achieve a thermal aware design. A low power synthesis method integrated with clock skew management is given in Chapter 5.

1. Introduction 1
1.1. ESL Methodology 3
1.2. High Level Synthesis 5
1.3. High Level Test Synthesis 7
1.4. Overview and Contribution 8
1.4.1. HLTS for Hierarchical Delay Fault Testability 9
1.4.2. Thermal Safe HLTS for Hierarchical Testability 9
1.4.3. Low Power HLS with Clock Skew Management 10
1.4.4. Organization 10
2. Background 11
2.1. Behavioral Model 11
2.1.1. Acceptable Input Description 11
2.1.2. Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG) 13
2.2. Scheduling 14
2.2.1. ASAP and ALAP Scheduling 15
2.2.2. List Scheduling 16
2.2.3. Integer Linear Programming (ILP) Scheduling 18
2.3. Resource Binding 20
2.3.1. Operation / Variable Lifetime 20
2.3.2. Left Edge Algorithm (LEA) 22
2.3.3. ILP Based Resource Binding 23
2.4. Datapath and Controller 24
2.5. Circuit Testing 25
2.5.1. Design for Testability (DFT) 25
2.5.2. Fault Model 26
2.5.3. Hierarchical Testing 27
2.6. Clock Skew Scheduling (CSS) 30
2.6.1. Timing Constraints in Synchronous Circuit 30
2.6.2. Basic Idea of CSS 31
2.6.3. Clock Skew Scheduling in SDFG 32
3. HLTS for Hierarchical Delay Fault Testability 34
3.1. Related Works 34
3.2. Delay Testability Analysis for DFG 36
3.2.1. Behavioral View 36
3.2.2. Solving Equations 38
3.3. Synthesis Methodology 42
3.3.1. Definition 43
3.3.2. Redundant Operation Insertion 45 Redundant Operation Reduction 45 CPIVS Selection 46 Location of the Redundant Operation 46
3.3.3. Overall Flow 47
3.3.4. An Illustrative Example 49
3.4. Datapath Circuit Test 50
3.4.1. Module Test 51
3.4.2. Multiplexer-based Interconnect Test 51
3.4.3. Register Test 52
3.5. DFT Insertion for Delay Fault Testability 53
3.5.1. Type-I DFT 53
3.5.2. Type-II DFT 54
3.6. Experimental Results 56
3.6.1. Area 56
3.6.2. Test Without DFT Insertion 59
3.6.3. Test with DFT Insertion 61
3.6.4. Synthesis Methods vs. Delay Fault Coverage 65
3.7. Conclusion of this Chapter 66
4. Thermal Safe HLTS for Hierarchical Testability 68
4.1. Related Works 68
4.2. Motivation 69
4.3. Problem Description 72
4.4. Simplified Thermal Model 73
4.4.1. Power Density vs. Temperature 73
4.4.2. Average Power Density vs. Temperature 75
4.5. Synthesis Methodology 76
4.5.1. Overall Flow 76
4.5.2. Synthesis Procedure 77
4.6. Experimental Results 79
4.6.1. Temperature Results 80
4.6.2. Area Comparison 81
4.6.3. Test Time Comparison 81
4.7. Conclusion of this Chapter 82
5. Low Power HLS with Clock Skew Management 83
5.1. Related Works 83
5.2. Power Reduction by Clock Skew Scheduling 85
5.2.1. Module Types vs. Power Consumption 86
5.2.2. Reallocation 86
5.3. Effect of Resource Binding on Timing Graph 88
5.3.1. Register Binding vs. Timing Graph 89
5.3.2. Module Binding vs. Timing Graph 90
5.4. Clock Skew Management 92
5.4.1. Clock Skew vs. Clock Period in HLS 93
5.4.2. Proposed Clock Skew Management 94
5.5. Low Power Synthesis Flow 96
5.5.1. Overall Synthesis Flow 96
5.5.2. MILP Based Module Binding 97
5.5.3. Heuristic of Module Binding 100
5.5.4. Register Binding and Interconnect Synthesis 104
5.5.5. Controller Synthesis 104
5.6. Experimental Results 105
5.6.1. Power Results 106
5.6.2. Impact of Reallocation 108
5.7. Conclusion of this Chapter 110
6. Conclusions 111
6.1. High Level Test Synthesis Methodology 111
6.2. Thermal Safe Test Synthesis 112
6.3. Low Power Synthesis for Nonzero Skew Design 113
6.4. Future Works 113
Reference 114

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