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研究生(外文):I-Ping Hsieh
論文名稱:一個有效率且符合最大等待時間的IEEE 802.16e/16j上行方向排程機制
論文名稱(外文):Development of an Efficient Uplink Scheduling Mechanism with Low Maximum Latency Violation in IEEE 802.16e/16j Coexistence Networks
指導教授(外文):Shang-Juh Kao
中文關鍵詞:IEEE 802.16eIEEE 802.16j同步傳輸干擾偵測封包最大等待時間
外文關鍵詞:IEEE 802.16eIEEE 802.16jparallel transmissioninterference detectionmaximum latency
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身為第四代通訊網路的標準之ㄧ,802.16技術提供了優良的涵蓋率、傳輸速度、服務品質和低廉的使用成本。在眾多的IEEE 802.16子技術中,IEEE 802.16e提供了更好的可移動性和服務品質,而802.16j則是利用中繼站技術提昇網路的覆蓋範圍和傳輸品質。因此,802.16j較適合佈建在人口稠密的都會環境中,而在地廣人稀的環境下則以採用802.16e技術較為適當。如此一來,採用WiMAX為無線存取技術的第四代通訊網路將會形成由802.16e及802.16j共存的網路環境。在此種環境下,基地台若是可以同時支援802.16e及802.16j,WiMAX網路的佈建將會變的相當有彈性。在本論文中,我門設計了一套新的排程機制可以提升傳輸速度及服務品質,並適用於802.16e及802.16j共存網路環境中。

The IEEE 802.16 family is a candidate fourth-generation mobile communication standard that provides ubiquity, high transmission rate, quality of service (QoS), and low-cost services. Among the 802.16 family, 802.16e specifies QoS support at the MAC level, while 802.16j spreads out the coverage of Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) networks and strengthens wireless signal transmission using relay technology. Thus, 802.16j is chosen in the metropolitan environment and 802.16e is preferred in sparsely populated territories in order to deploy 802.16 services efficiently. Consequently, 802.16e/802.16j coexistence environment is beginning to take shape. The deployment of WiMAX networks would be flexible, if the base station supports both 802.16e and 802.16j technologies. In this paper, a novel scheduling mechanism is presented for high transmission rate and QoS in 802.16e/16j coexistence networks.
The adoption of OFDMA and relay techniques in 802.16e/802.16j networks, although adding complexity, increases flexibility over the original 802.16 networks. This may permit parallel transmission among multiple devices. However, little current research has addressed the issue of parallel transmission in a scheduling algorithm. And, the interference profile among multiple devices is assumed to be already known before transmission commencement. In this paper, an efficient uplink scheduling mechanism, Parallel Transmission with Low Maximum Latency Violation (PT-MLV), which allows parallel transmission, is proposed. Using PT-MLV, uplink resource utilization can be improved and the requirement of real-time applications can be better satisfied due to the MCS and low maximum latency violation. In addition, we first present an interference detection mechanism for parallel transmission. Our experimental results demonstrate that PT-MLV scheduling outperforms regular relay scheduling in average transmission rate and maximum latency violation.

1. Introduction 1
2. Related Work 5
2.1 IEEE 802.16 Families 5
2.2 MAP multiplexing 9
2.3 Deadline First Scheduling Strategy 11
3. Parallel Transmission with Low Maximum Latency Violation Scheduling Mechanism 14
3.1 Bandwidth Allocation of PT-MLV in 802.16e Networks 14
3.1.1 Calculation of deadline and priority. 15
3.1.2 Bandwidth-allocation procedures 17
3.2 Bandwidth Allocation of PT-MLV in 802.16j Networks 19
3.2.1 Process of Interference Detection 19
3.2.2 Procedure of Bandwidth Allocation 26
4. Evaluation and Comparison Results 30
4.1 Simulation environment 30
4.2 Performance Evaluation in 802.16e Networks 33
4.3 Performance Evaluation in 802.16j Networks 38
5. Conclusions 42
References 44

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