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研究生(外文):Chung-Ju Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Exploring Brand Alliance between Reinforcing Bar Industry and Construction Industry by Grounded Theory
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Ru Lee
外文關鍵詞:Brand AlliancesIngredient Branding Co-brandingQualitative ResearchGrounded TheoryArchitectural IndustryConstruction IndustrySteel IndustryReinforcing Bar Industry
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The initial meaning of brand is not only to label the products for manufacturers, but also allow consumers to distinguish the differences among all the manufactories and their products. The concepts of the business brand and product brand of Reinforcing bar industry only are known for professional constructors and steel retailers within this industry. The channels of Reinforcing bar marketing are complicated. It’s difficult for consumers to learn any knowledge of the Re-bar brand from the appearance of the buildings. Even for those Reinforcing bar Manufacturers who provide excellent product quality, the marketing information still can not be efficiently delivered to consumers. Manufactories often suffer serious competitions to each other. Based on this special industrial background and from the Reinforcing bar industries point of view, this study motivates and discusses about how to create the ingredient branding, do brand alliances with construction industry, provide and deliver marketing information altogether to the final consumers and to change the Reinforcing bar industry sales channel. This study aims to find out how to proceed the ingredient branding and brand alliance for Reinforcing bar and construction industry to have the end-users know their business brand equity.
The research consists of two phase based upon the grounded throry and the qualitative research. Each phase includes the processes of data collecting and data analysis. The data was collected by depth interview with the owner of the constructions and professional managers. The open coding and axial coding procedure of the grounded theory were used to generate the categories and the axial of the research, and then to analyze these data to have theoretical saturation to proceed select coding. And use it to draw four common core categories for the brand alliance between Re-bar and construction industries: Brand Alliance Partner Selection Stage, Brand Alliance Partner Communication Stage, Brand Alliance Partner In-practice Stage and Brand Alliance Partner Effects Assessment. For the business brand alliance, product brand alliance, product ingredient branding and product co-branding all have the above mentioned four stages. It recommends Reinforcing bar manufacturers to redefine the customers, not just for the retailers or constructions but extend to the end-users of building, to select constructors having consistent brand element and common business concept in the brand alliance partner selection stage; unite the constructors as marketing strategic for brand alliance partner communication stage; proceed integrated marketing strategic for in-practice stage. The final stage is to access does consumers perceive the differences towards the brand alliance of Reinforcing bar and construction industry and their behavior towards this. The sufficient reason for branding alliance between Reinforcing bar and construction industry is based on consumers perceived and help them to perceive the unseen reinforcing bar steel quality inside the buildings. Therefore, it not only adds values to buildings but also helps the constructions and reinforcing bar industries gaining competitiveness through brand alliance.

目 錄
第一章 緒論 01
第一節 研究背景與動機 01
第二節 研究目的 03
第三節 研究主題及範圍 04
第四節 研究流程 06
第二章 文獻探討 07
第一節 品牌聯盟 07
第二節 聯合品牌行銷與產品要素品牌打造 11
第三節 質化研究 12
第四節 紮根理論 14
第三章 條鋼業及營建業之產業概況 21
第一節 條鋼業之概況 21
第二節 營建業之概況 26
第四章 二階段研究 31
第一節 第一階段研究 33
第二節 第二階段研究 79
第三節 選擇性編碼 135
第五章 結論與建議 146
第一節 研究結論 146
第二節 研究建議 149
參考文獻 151
中文文獻 151
英文文獻 152
一.共同研究邀請函 154
二.第一階段訪談題綱 155
三.第二階段訪談題綱 156
四.本研究開放性編碼原則 158

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