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研究生(外文):Chen-Han Yang
論文名稱(外文):E-marketplace outsourcing decision by segments
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chih Tsai
外文關鍵詞:E-marketplaceChinese manufacturersIndustrial segmentationLatent class modelOutsourcing decisionTransaction cost economicsResource based view
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This research aims to develop a segmentation model to analyze Chinese manufacturers’ e-marketplace outsourcing behavior and decisions by segments. Two main outsourcing theories transaction cost economics (TCE) and resource based view (RBV) are integrated into our study model. A latent class model is applied to identify and cluster the Chinese manufacturing groups. Reciprocal effects between e-marketplace outsourcing decision and segmented market can be analyzed to help understand the outsourcing behaviors by Chinese manufacturers and their outsourcing decisions.

A total of 208 valid data were collected from the Taiwanese manufactures. They are tested and calibrated through the exploration factor analysis and LCM using statistical program of NLOGIT 4.0. The results separate manufactures into two clustered as WIP manufactures and final goods manufactures by their product status. The result shows that Chinese manufacturers considered both aspects relating to the theory proposed by TCT and RBV when making an e-marketplace outsourcing decisions. WIP manufactures are largely concerned with the demand attributes, that e-marketplace providing functions relating to lowering of prior transaction cost and customized services are highly valued. In addition to these two functions, final good manufactures in facing distributors are more concerned with additional functionalities provided by an e-market platform such as information security and value sharing. The empirical results help e-marketplace providers target their customer and justify service strategies.

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research Motivation 1
1.2. Research Purpose 4
1.3. Research Methodology 5
1.4. Research Flow 7
Chapter 2. Literature Review 8
2.1. E-marketplace 8
2.2. Outsourcing 11
2.3. Industrial Segmentation 14
2.4. Emerging Market 16
Chapter 3. Latent Class Model 18
Chapter 4. Research Design 22
4.1. Transaction Cost Theory 22
4.2. Resource-Based View 23
4.3. Relational Bonds 23
4.4. Demographic Variables 24
Chapter 5. Data Collection 28
5.1. Survey Profile 28
5.2. Sample Profile 30
Chapter 6. Research Analysis: 33
6.1. Descriptive Statistics 33
6.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis 35
6.3. Latent Class Model 38
Chapter 7. Conclusion 42
7.1. Findings 42
7.2. Managerial Implication: 45
7.3. Study Limitations and Future Research 52
Reference 53
Appendix-Questionnaire 60

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