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研究生(外文):Nan-Hsien Lee
論文名稱(外文):Study on the improvement of metal residues in TFT-LCD wet etching process by excimer ultraviolet
指導教授(外文):Han-Wen Liu
外文關鍵詞:excimer ultravioletwet etchingmetal residues
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結果顯示三種膜質(Al、Mo、PR)的基板經由準分子紫外光照射的積算光量越大,其基板表面的純水接觸角會越小,但經過靜置後其基板表面的純水接觸角會慢慢變大,其中靜置時間在6小時以內的純水接觸角退化速度是最快的,之後靜置6至24小時的退化速度將會趨緩。此外,基板經過加入氮氣改善後的準分子紫外光照射設備的照射,可以使基板上的純水接觸角降低達90.9 %,比起照射未改善前的準分子紫外光照射設備後的純水接觸角,降幅增加了71.8 %,並可以使恰當蝕刻時間減少約4.54秒,因而降低物理氣相沉積製程造成的奇、偶數片膜厚不同且不均的負面影響,進而能加快設備的產出時間。
之後我們利用六代產線進行為期一週,樣品數約為21,223片的驗證,得到在準分子紫外光照射設備與基板間加入氮氣的改善,能在不降低基板傳送速度而影響設備產出時間的情況下,讓基板表面的純水接觸角降至10度以下,使濕蝕刻後的金屬殘留缺陷數降低達75 %,良率大約從99.2 %提升到99.28 %,而且之後抽樣檢測率、第五道製程後的雷射修補率、缺陷影像檢視人力、因拔膜重工所耗損的生產原料、薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器的陣列製程產出週期等,都可以降低。也證明基板表面的純水接觸角越低,在濕蝕刻製程中造成的金屬殘留缺陷也會越低。

The metal wet etch process in the thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) , the excimer UV is usually used to irradiate the substrate to reduce the contact angle of DI water on its surface by removing the oil or organic matter. The aluminum etching solution can be more easily attached to the substrate surface, and can avoid the air bubbles generated in the wet etching process to the substrate, resulting from the low contact angle. Therefore, it can reduce the residue defects of metal in the wet etching process. But for the requirements of high throughput in the mass production, it shows the low performance of the excimer UV irradiation devices, and the number of residue defects in the wet etching process is still high. Therefore, in this study, we use the different metals and photoresist as the substrates to investigate the efficiency of the excimer UV irradiation with or without adding nitrogen purge.
The experiment results give out the conclusions as following:the contact angle of DI water on the surface of three different films- Al、Mo、PR becomes smaller after the larger integral UV intensity irradiated by excimer UV. However, the contact angle of DI water would become bigger after stationary for a long time. The fastest degraded speed of the contact angle of DI water occurs in the first six hours, and it degrades slowly between six and twenty-four hours. In addition, the substrate which is irradiated by the excimer UV irradiation device with adding nitrogen achieves the reduction of the contact angle of DI water by 90.9% and the decrement of contact angle increases by 71.8% than that without adding nitrogen. The just etching time of the metal wet etching is decreased by 4.54 s. By utilizing the excimer UV device with nitrogen blowing, we could reduce the negative effects of different films thickness and unevenness on odd or even film status caused by sputtering machine; meanwhile, we could accelerate the output time of the excimer UV device.
After that, we use the six-generation production line to implement a one-week test with 21,223 panels and obtain a great improvement by adding nitrogen into the substrate and excimer UV irradiation device. By above technique, it reduces the contact angle of DI water on the substrate to be under 10o and also lowers the percent of metal residues by 75% after wet etching. The product yield approximately rises from 99.2% to 99.28% and the experiment result also shows that it also reduces the sampling test rate, the laser repair rate of the PEP5, the manpower of examining the defect images, the wasted production materials due to rework, and the array process of manufacturing TFT-LCD. The experiment also demonstrates that the lower contact angle of DI water on the surface of substrate, the lower metal residues caused by wet etching process.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
表目次 vi
圖目次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 簡介和動機 3
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 原理和實驗步驟 6
2.1 EUV原理 6
2.2 EUV在TFT-LCD濕蝕刻製程上的重要參數 8
2.3 EUV的應用與裝置介紹 9
2.3.1 EUV應用 9
2.3.2 EUV裝置介紹 11
2.4 TFT-LCD陣列(array)製程技術簡介 14
2.4.1 TFT的結構與操作原理 14
2.4.2 薄膜製程以及設備簡介 15
2.4.3 黃光(photo)製程以及設備簡介 17
2.4.4 蝕刻(etch)製程以及設備簡介 18
2.5 TFT-LCD array五道製程介紹 24
2.6 TFT-LCD array濕蝕刻主要的製程缺陷簡介 29
2.7 接觸角原理介紹 33
2.8 EUV效能改善及實驗步驟 35
2.8.1 機台設備簡介及設定 35
2.8.2 EUV設備改造介紹 38
第三章 實驗結果與討論 44
3.1 基板照射EUV的時間對不同膜質(Al、Mo、PR)的純水接觸角影響 44
3.2 基板與EUV之間的間隙對不同膜質(Al、Mo、PR)的接觸角影響 45
3.3 EUV照度對不同膜質(Al、Mo、PR)的接觸角影響 47
3.5 EUV設備加N2對濕蝕刻後金屬殘留改善結果 50
3.5.1 EUV+N2後的純水接觸角與恰當蝕刻時間(just etch time)改善結果 52
3.5.2 EUV+N2後的15片實驗樣品驗證結果 55
3.5.3 EUV+N2後的196片實驗樣品驗證結果 57
3.5.4 EUV+N2後的不限量驗證為期一週結果 58
第四章 結論 62
參考文獻 64

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