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研究生(外文):Bo-Chiau Chen
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Digitized Multi-module Solar Photovoltaic Power Conversion System
外文關鍵詞:maximum power point trackingon-grid modebuck converterinverterdigital signal processormulti-module system
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This thesis investigates the solar cell energy generation system from the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) to parallel utility system conversion aimed at improving disadvantages of the traditional single solar cell module by developing a multi-module power supply system. The system not only improves the power supplying efficiency of the single solar cell module, but also strengthens the stability of power supply. That is, if any one of solar cell packs fails, the system still works. When the solar cell system operates, the information of voltage and current of every module is acquired at each sampling instant. A design method based on the adaptive MPPT algorithm is proposed to generate the optimal power output. A DSP-based control system for synchronization of plural AC power sources has also been implemented. The power supplying strategy controls the energy output from the inverter according to the value of current of each module. In which, our goal is that the higher power solar cell modules should supply more energy to the load, while the lower power solar cell modules supply less energy. That means that the higher power sources plays as the master energy supplier, while the lower one serves as the slave supplier. If there is insufficient energy to the load demanded then the utility power will be joining the network. Efficiency of this control scheme would be significant under the condition of heavy load.
In this thesis, simulation not only is conducted in the MATLAB environment for verifying the MPPT strategy, but also utilizing SIMPLIS to analyze parallel utility as the reference for the experiment of parallel power supply. In the control unit, a digital signal processor is used as the core of the multiple power control system. The strategy for power supply control and current detection are all accomplished in the DSP control board. Thus, our can gain better readability of the control strategy and reduce the cost of hardware.

誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xii
Nomenclature xiii
Chapter1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Design Approaches 2
1.3 Origination 3
Chapter2 Introduction of PV Systems 5
2.1 Preface 5
2.2 Introduction of Solar Converter 5
2.3 Models and Characters of Solar Energy 6
2.4 PA Mathematical Model 7
Chapter3 Maximum Power Point Tracking(MPPT) Of Solar Cells 8
3.1 Preface 8
3.2 Maximum Power Point Tracking 8
3.2.1 Perturbation and Observation Method 9
3.2.2 Proposed Approach 10
3.3 Implementation of MPPT 12
3.3.1 Buck Converter 13
3.3.2 Analysis of Buck Converter 13
3.3.3 Buck Converter Operation of the Boundary Conditions 19
3.4 MPPT of the Single Full Bridge Inverter 20
3.5 Software Design and Planning of the MPPT 20
3.5.1 Digital Signal Processor 20
Chapter4 Design Principles of Full Bridge Inverter 22
4.1 Preface 22
4.1.1 Half Bridge Inverter 22
4.1.2 Single Full Bridge Inverter 23
4.2 Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) 23
4.3 Output Filter Design of Inverter 26
4.4 PI Control and System Stability 27
Chapter5 Bi-module System Hardware/Software Implementation 30
5.1 Single Module Solar Cell Pack and Grid Connection 30
5.2 Bi-module Solar Cell Pack and Grid Connection 30
5.3 Plan and Design of the Hardware 32
5.3.1 Driver Circuit of Power Switch 32
5.3.2 Sampling Solar DC Voltage 32
5.3.3 Sensing Solar Cells DC Current Feedback 32
5.3.4 Sensing AC Current Feedback 33
5.3.5 Zero Crossing Detection 33
Chapter6 Simulated and Experimental Results 34
6.1 PV Array 34
6.2 Parallel Connection with the Utility Power 34
6.3 Bi-module to Parallel the Utility 35
6.4 Measurement and Improvement of Power Factor 35
Chapter7 Conclusions and Future Works 36
7.1 Conclusions 36
7.2 Future Works 36
References 37

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