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研究生(外文):Ming-Feng Shiu
論文名稱(外文):Manual and Adaptive Kinematic Control of a Mecanum Omnidirectional Wheelchair
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This thesis presents methodologies and techniques for system design, manual control, adaptive kinematic control and embedded implementations for an omnidirectional wheelchair with four Mecanum wheels. An open-loop manual controller is designed to carry out desired motions, and a closed-loop manual controller is synthesized in the moving frame to achieve command tracking exactly. An adaptive kinematic control is derived in the world frame and shown asymptotically stable via the Lyapunov stability theory. All the controllers have been implemented into an FPGA development board using System-on-a-programmable-chip (SoPC) technology. Simulations and experimental results are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness and performance of the proposed controllers for Mecanum wheeled omnidirectional wheelchairs.

中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Tables x
Nomenclature xi
List of Acronyms xii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Literature Survey 3
1.2.1 Related Work for Motion Control of Four-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robots 3
1.2.2 Related Work for Omnidirectional Mobile Wheelchairs 4
1.3 Motivation and Objectives 5
1.4 Main contributions 5
1.5 Thesis Organization 6
Chapter 2 System Structure and Control Architecture 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Comparison of the Important Specifications of Wheelchairs 7
2.3 Mechatronic Structure of the MOW 13
2.3.1 Brushless Motors 14
2.3.2 Motor Drive 15
2.3.3 Mecanum Wheels 18
2.3.4 Rotary Encoder 19
2.3.5 Battery Energy Display 22
2.3.6 Power Interface 22
2.4 SoPC-Based Controller Implementation 23
2.4.1 SoPC Architecture 23
2.4.2 System Architecture 29
2.4.3 QEP Circuitry 33
2.4.4 Digital-to-Analog Converter: MCP4822 33
2.4.5 Joystick Output Circuitry 34
2.4.6 Overall Joystick Control System 40
2.5 Concluding Remarks 41
Chapter 3 Kinematic Model and Manual Control 43
3.1 Introduction 43
3.2 Kinematics Model in the Moving Frame 45
3.3 Open-Loop Manual Controller Design 46
3.4 Closed-Loop Manual Controller Design 47
3.5 Computer Simulations and Discussion 51
3.6 Open-Loop Control Experiment and Discussion 53
3.7 Concluding Remarks 56
Chapter 4 Design and Experimentation of Adaptive Kinematic Controllers 57
4.1 Introduction 57
4.2 Adaptive Kinematic Controller Design 57
4.2.1 Adaptive Point stabilization 58
4.2.2 Adaptive Trajectory Tracking 62
4.3 Simulations and Discussion 66
4.3.1 Simulations of the Proposed Kinematic Controller (4.10) 66
4.3.2 Simulations of the Proposed Kinematic Controller (4.13) 73
4.4 Experimental Results and Discussion 79
4.4.1 Dead-Reckoning in the World Frame 79
4.4.2 Experimental Results of Point Stabilization and Trajectory Tracking 81
4.5 Concluding Remarks 83
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 84
5.1 Conclusions 84
5.2 Future Work 85
References 86

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