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研究生(外文):Pao-Lung Liao
論文名稱:法國之對外關係與歐洲統合 (1945-1992)
論文名稱(外文):French Foreign Relations and the European Integration (1945-1992)
外文關鍵詞:Cold WarMarshall PlanEuropean IntegrationMaastricht Treaty
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During the first half of the twentieth century, Europe experienced two world wars, and its international status lowered greatly. In order to revive Europe’s economy, the intellectuals brought up the idea of European Integration. After World War II, the Marshall Plan, proposed by the United States, facilitated the process of European Integration. Founding two organizations, Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the United States dominated the early post-war European Integration. The European Integration didn’t develop its self-consciousness utnil May 9, 1950, when the Schuman Plan launched.

Three interwoven factors influenced France’s post-war European Integration policy and its position on the policy: Franco-German relations within Europe, Euro-American relations in the West, and East-West relations during the Cold War. The improvement of Franco-German relations, which was likely to lead to the ultimate solution to the German Question, was not only the primary goal of France’s European Integration but also the main concern when it comes to France’s European policy. Besides, within the framework of East-West Cold War, how to define Euro-American relations and what kind of role Europe played in American-Russian relations also had an impact on France’s European policy.

After World War II, France played a significant part in the process of European Integration, guiding the process of European Integration by cooperating with Germany. It was credited with the Treaty of Roman in 1957, Hague Summit in 1969, the Single European Act in 1987, and Maastricht Treaty in 1992. The aim of this dissertation,“French Foreign Relations and the European Integration (1945-1992),” is to explore how France and Germany make peace with and then cooperate with each other, how the political situation in Europe develops, and how European Integration proceeds.

緒論 1
第一章 歐洲統合之肇始(1945-1958) 8
第一節 馬歇爾計劃與歐洲統合 9
第二節 北約成立與舒曼計劃 19
第三節 德國軍備重整與羅馬條約 28
第四節 法國的外交困境 37

第二章 法國主導歐洲統合時期(1958-1969) 52
第一節 戴高樂之外交政策策 53
第二節 戴高樂與歐洲統合 72

第三章 法德合作與歐洲統合(1969-1981) 90
第一節 龐畢度之外交政策 92
第二節 季斯卡之外交政策 118
第三節 歐洲經濟與政治統合 131

第四章 法德同盟與歐洲聯盟〈1981-1992〉 142
第一節 密特朗主政與其外交政策 144
第二節 歐洲共同體之興革與蛻變 162
第三節 歐洲新情勢與歐洲聯盟之締造 181

結論 193
參考書目 197
附錄 214
索引 227




























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http://www.ena.lu/ 舒曼於1950年5月9日宣告舒曼計劃的錄影實況

http://www.jean-monnet.ch/ 莫內歐洲基金會

http://www.kas.de/ 艾德諾基金會

http://www.charles-de-gaulle.org/ 戴高樂學會

http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Georges_Pompidou 龐畢度網站

http://vge-europe.eu/ 季斯卡網站

http://www.hdg.de/lemo/html/biografien/SchmidtHelmut/ 德國歷史博物館人物傳記

http://www.bundeskanzlerin.de/Webs/BK/DE/Homepage/home.html 德國總理網站

http://www.mitterrand.org/index.php 密特朗學會

http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/index.htm 北約官方網站

http://www.weu.int/History.htm#1 西歐聯盟網站

http://www.ena.lu/ 歐洲統合文獻網站

http://europa.eu/index_en.htm 歐洲聯盟

http://www.deltwn.cec.eu.int/CH/homepage.htm 歐洲經貿辦事處

http://www.lib.tku.edu.tw/eudoc/lecture.shtml 歐盟文獻中心

http://www.mun.ca/ceuep/EU-BIB-W7.htm 歐盟文獻

http://www.eusa-taiwan.org/ 歐洲聯盟研究學會(台灣)

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