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研究生(外文):Yi-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Measurement of adhesive force of Bovine endothelial cells on different biomaterials by Dielectrophoresis
指導教授(外文):Guo-Jen Wang
外文關鍵詞:dielectrophoretic forceMEMS fabrication techniquecell adhesion
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Compared with the working medium, cell is easily to encounter an electric field induced polarization. Hence a positive dielectrophoretic force, which is generated due to an unbalanced electric field, will drive the cell toward the area of high electric field density. In this study, the finite element analysis software COMSOL is used to investigate the influence of an electric field on cell behavior for a better design of the dielectrophoretic electrode. Accordingly, a dielectrophoretic device that contains several micro electrodes for producing unbalanced electric field is fabricated using microelectromechanical fabrication technique. The proposed device is then used for the detection of cell adhesive force on PDMS and PLA.
It is observed that those cells cultured on PDMS firmly stick on the material without any movement under the actions of different dielectrophoretic force. However, the dielectrophoretic force due to a 6 V applied potential is enough to move those cells having cultured on the PLA for 4 and 6 hr. When the culture period is increased to 8 hr, a higher applied potential of 16V is required to move the cells. The cells cultured on the PLA for 24 hr are not relaxed by the dielectrophoretic force even a higher potential is applied. Theoretically, a higher applied voltage can induce a larger driving force to move the cultured cells. For the PLA scaffold, a higher potential is required to move those cells having longer culture time. While for the PDMA scaffold, the cells cultured on it have a much higher adhesive force such that the dielectrophoretic force generated by the proposed device cannot lift the cells from the scaffold. A higher applied potential results in the unwanted cell lysis.
The contact angles of PDMS and PLA are measured to be 92.21and 83.11, respectively. It indicates that the PLA surface is more hydrophilic than PDMS. In general, cells should have a better adhesion on PLA scaffold. However, the experimental results in this study reveal that cells have better adhesion on the PDMS scaffold. It is presumed that other properties of the scaffold influence the cell adhesion more than its hydrophilic-hydrophobic property.

致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 8
1.3論文大綱 9
第二章 研究方法與材料 10
2.1 研究方法 10
2.1.1介電泳(Dielectrophoresis) 10
2.1.2誘導偶極矩 10
2.1.3電中性微粒之介電泳現象 12
2.1.4細胞之介電泳力 15
2.1.5 介電泳相關文獻與介電泳應用 16
2.2 實驗材料 20
2.2.1聚二甲基矽氧烷(Polydimethylsiloxane,PDMS) 20
2.2.2聚乳酸(Polylactic acid,PLA) 21
2.3 實驗材料製備 21
2.3.1聚二甲基矽氧烷(Polydimethylsiloxane,PDMS) 21
2.3.2聚乳酸(Polylactic acid,PLA) 22
第三章 電極設計分析與製作 23
3.1電極設計 23
3.2電場模擬 24
3.2.1 COMSOL模擬步驟 24
3.2.2 參數設定 24
3.2.3 模擬結果與分析 27
3.3電極製作 31
3.3.1 黃光微影製程 31
3.3.2 蒸鍍(熱阻式蒸鍍機) 32
3.3.3 Lift off製程 32
第四章 實驗方法與步驟 33
4.1 親水性量測 33
4.2 細胞培養 33
4.2.1 實驗儀器與使用藥品 33
4.2.2 細胞植覆 34
4.3 介電泳量測 35
4.3.1實驗儀器與使用藥品 35
4.3.2 實驗條件設置 35
4.3.3實驗方法 37
4.3.4 實驗架構 37
第五章 實驗結果與討論 38
5.1 實驗結果 38
5.1.1 親水性量測 38
5.1.2細胞培養 38
5.1.3介電泳量測 40
5.2 結果討論 44
第六章 結論與未來展望 46
6.1 結論 46
6.2 未來展望 47
參考文獻 48

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