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研究生(外文):Wen-Zheng Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Model Building of Professional Competencies - A Case of Plastics Manufacturing Industry.
指導教授(外文):Dr. Hsin-Yu Shih
外文關鍵詞:CompetencyProfessional CompetencyCompetency analysisCompetency modelCompetency standards
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因此,本研究透過文獻探討、產業環境調查與分析、專家/業者/工作者訪談、功能分析、專家會議等方法建立塑膠製程工程師-射出專業之職能模型,並以問卷驗證績效指標,除了提供產業環境與職類相關資訊及工作入門條件、工作描述等資訊以外,同時指出塑膠製程工程師-射出專業之職能包括:6項主要職責(Jobs)、16項工作任務(Tasks)、25項工作行為績效指標(Behavior Performance Indexes)、45項相關知識(Knowledge)、20項相關技能(Skills)、11項相關態度(Abilities)、10項工作產出(Working Outputs)。
According to DGBAS statistics: In 2009 plastic products industry in number of firms of about 6,800, the output value of about 2,174 billion, hiring about 13,000 people. The plastic products industry mainly composed of small and medium enterprises, since the industry still can not find the right people, do not know whether the skills needs and there is still gap between learning to use. The other hand, advanced countries are actively promoting professional license and certification system as mechanisms of training system and in response to industry demand. The ultimate goal is to narrow the gap between talent supply and demand, in order to enhance industrial competitiveness.
This study attempts at building a competence model of professional plastic injection engineer based on previous literature, environmental investigation and analysis, interview with experts, manufacturers, and workers in this business, competence analysis, and meetings with experts. Performance index of this model was validated with questionnaires. This model not only provided information like the environment of this business, criteria of hiring an employee, and job description, but also pointed out the competence a plastic injection engineer should have, including 6 jobs, 16 tasks, 25 behavior performance indexes, 45 knowledge, 20 skills, 11 abilities, and 10 working outputs.
Meanwhile, based on the investigation on working environment of industries, there are two main issues in plastic manpower need to improve, which are how to distinguish the level of professional competence and how to balance human resource supply and demand. Therefore, this plastic competence model and the research of this study might provide a mechanism to distinguish the level of competence for recruiting the required talent and proposing training projects. Also, this model could be used as a reference for career planning in schools or training institutions for students to evaluate themselves and achieve the goal of eliminating the gap between the supply and demand of human resource in the future.
誌謝辭 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅱ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 VII

第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 4
第貳章 文獻探討 5
第一節 職能定義與內涵 5
第二節 職能與績效間關係 15
第三節 職能分析方法 20
第四節 職能應用的現況 24
第五節 工程專業人員職能 34
第六節 塑膠製造產業的產業環境與現況 38
第七節 本章小結 43
第參章 研究方法 45
第一節 研究架構 45
第二節 研究方法 45
第三節 個案背景說明 61
第肆章 個案研究 63
第一節 塑膠製造產業專業職能發展概述 63
第二節 產業職能藍圖的定義 66
第三節 塑膠製造產業職能模型的構面與基準 68
第四節 行為績效指標驗證 81
第五節 塑膠製造產業專業職能之評鑑標準 83
第六節 個案研究小結 102
第伍章 結論 104
第一節 研究結論 104
第二節 管理意涵 104
第三節 研究限制 105
第四節 後續研究建議 105
參考文獻 107
附錄一:定義職能藍圖階段-首次會議 114
附錄二:定義職能藍圖階段-第二次會議 115
附錄三:職能分析階段-第一次專家會議 117
附錄四:職能分析階段-深入訪談資料蒐集彙總 124
附錄五:射出成型工程師職能績效指標 問卷調查表 130
附錄六:塑膠產業射出成型工程師專業人才 能力鑑定認同方案 133
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