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研究生(外文):Lai, Teng-Fan
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Development Trend of Touch Panel to Future 2020
指導教授(外文):Benjamin J.C. Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Touch Panel
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因此,針對此一現象,本研究使用專&;#63965;分析法,透過Patent Guider 2.0軟體針對觸碰式技術進&;#64008;基本專&;#63965;資&;#63934;分析,針對常使用的觸碰式技術做分析比較,藉以了解觸碰技術的發展趨勢,最後對於觸碰廠商提供研發策&;#63862;上之建議。透過專利研究,探討各國以及各技術目前的專利發展現況,並且隨著S曲線的概念可以說明其技術生命週期以及其競爭性。
Recently, because of the hot sale of iPhone and iPad that produced by American Commercial Company, the market of touch consumer goods grows up swiftly. Mobile phone manufacturers in the world have a confidence on the future development of touch consumer goods and then they provide lots of resources to proceed to develop and investigate in succession. They hope that they can mainly lead the development of technique and are in a leading position.
Thus, according to this phenomenon, “patent analysis” will be used in this research. Through the software “Patent Guider 2.0,” patent data will be proceeded to analyze according to the technique “touch;” the technique “touch” used frequently will be made analysis and comparison so that the development trend of the technique “touch” can be comprehended. Finally, provide manufacturers with strategy of research and development. Through the patent research, make a thorough inquiry on the condition of patent development at all countries and all techniques. Follow the concept of S curve, the life cycle of technique and the competitiveness can be illustrated.
The conclusion of this research is that the technique “touch” is still in technical growth period. The patent in Taiwan and Japanese is in the lead; especially in recent years, the patent in Taiwan is developed quite swiftly. In order to develop low cost and highly reliable touch panels, the suggestions are 1) follow-up manufacturers should carefully select materials and categories of product composition, 2) acquire technology licensing and cooperate with world-renowned high-tech companies. Get the international prestige before the coming of its mature period.
Expect the completion of the goals: the prediction of the future development of the technique “touch,” the development trend of the technique “touch,” the predicted analysis on the variation of the technique “touch.”
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 觸碰技術發展現況比較 1
1.1.2 觸碰螢幕的市場定位 4
1.1.3 研究觀點 5
1.2 研究動機 6
1.3 研究目的 7
1.4 研究架構 8
1.5 研究流程 9
二、文獻探討 10
2.1 專利 10
2.1.1 智慧財產權 11
2.1.2 專利權 15
2.2 專利管理 17
2.2.1 專利資訊 18
2.2.2 專利地圖 19
2.2.3 專利分析 20
2.2.4 專利檢索 22
2.3 技術生命週期理論 23
2.4 技術預測的重要性 27
三、研究方法 28
3.1 研究方法 28
3.2 研究分析工具 28
3.3 專利檢索及分析 29
3.4 IPC意義 30
3.5 UPC意義 31
四、觸碰產業分析 32
4.1 前言 32
4.2 觸碰產業技術發展 33
4.2.1 類比電阻式(Analog Resistive) 33
4.2.2 電容式(Capacitive) 34
4.2.3 紅外線式(Infrared, IR) 35
4.2.4 表面音波式(Surface Acoustic Wave) 36
4.3 觸碰市場概況 37
4.4 觸碰材料供應鏈概況 39
4.5 觸碰面板發展趨勢 42
五、研究結果與分析 47
5.1 專利資料檢索 47
5.2 專利件數分析 48
5.3 國家別分析 50
5.4 公司別分析 52
5.5 IPC分析 54
5.6 UPC分析 58
六、結論與建議 63
6.1 結論 63
6.2 未來研究建議 64

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