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研究生(外文):Yi-chang Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Factors of Incident to Reach the Critical Mass in the Internet.
指導教授(外文):Dong-shang ChangDer-chao Chen
外文關鍵詞:grounded theorynetwork externalityinnovation diffusioncritical mass
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擴散過程中最關鍵之處,就是關鍵多數(Critical Mass)的達成,在物理學上稱為「臨界質量」,意指裂變物質在特定條件下達成自持鏈式裂變反應所需之最小質量,或是如原子反應堆達到臨界質量點,便會自發出現核連鎖反應,這臨界特定現象,就如同製造社會流行風潮,且像流行性傳染病一樣,只要達到了一定「引爆點」,流行就會突發性地迅速傳播開來,再引申之,商業活動只要能掌握製造流行風潮的規律或方法,就能因此産生資訊傳遞巨變的效果,達成擴大能見度的目的。
本研究使用「Google Insight」搜尋功能,找出迅速竄升已達搜尋關鍵多數熱門事件所在區段,採用紮根及內容分析法歸納整理代表性案例所呈現的因素。研究發現事件之擴散達成關鍵多數的因素中,其實皆圍繞著不可或缺的社群、環境、事件三大環節上,爰將共同因素再區分成類屬之環節構面:
In Internet, popular events, ideas or products are non-linear activities but a complex phenomenon. The goal of this study is to find out the common factors from the events, ideas or products that can be interpreted as key elements in a chaotic marketplace.
In the process of diffusion, the most crucial point that physics known is the "critical mass" of reaching .The critical mass means that under certain conditions of fissile material to achieve self-sustaining fission chain reaction of the minimum required quality, or such as atomic reactor to achieve critical mass point, then a nuclear chain reaction will be spontaneous.
The critical mass phenomenon, just as creating social fad and epidemic diseases, so long as to reach a certain "tipping point", the popular will suddenly spread quickly. As long as the commercial activities to master the rule of pop culture or methods, therefore, it can make great effects through the information transmission to achieve the purpose of expanding visibility.
This research takes the function of「Google Insight」as a tool to find the hot zone of rapidly risen events as reached "critical mass". According to the content analysis and grounded theroy to analysis the factors from the representative cases. The result of the research shows that the diffusion of the incident reached a "critical mass," in fact, the factors are included in the three major dimensions of the community, environment and event. The factors can be divided into categories as follow:
1. The community: impressibility, word of mouth and sharing, reference groups or opinion leaders
2. The environment: massive exposure platform, the media, ranking or competition
3. The event: innovative quality, attachment effect, topic, story
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
一、緒 論 1
1-1 研究動機 3
1-2 研究目的 4
1-3 論文組織 5
1-4 研究流程 6
二、文 獻 探 討 7
2-1 網際網路特性 7
2-2 創新擴散理論 9
2-3 擴散的網絡 14
2-4 科技接受行為 15
2-5 社會影響 18
2-6 關鍵多數 19
三、研 究 方 法 23
3-1 研究架構 24
3-2 研究對象 25
3-3 研究工具 26
3-4 內容分析法 28
3-5 紮根理論 29
3-6 理論觸覺 31
3-7 信度與效度 32
四、個案整理與分析 35
4-1 個案一: 35
4-1-1 個案內容簡介 35
4-1-2 觀察事件於網路上之搜尋紀錄 35
4-1-3 分析事件爆紅之可能因素 37
4-2 個案二: 40
4-2-1 個案內容簡介 40
4-2-2 觀察事件於網路上之搜尋紀錄 40
4-2-3 分析事件爆紅之可能因素 42
4-3 個案三: 44
4-3-1 個案內容簡介 44
4-3-2 觀察事件於網路上之搜尋紀錄 45
4-3-3 分析事件爆紅之可能因素 47
4-4 個案四: 49
4-4-1 個案內容簡介 49
4-4-2 觀察事件於網路上之搜尋紀錄 50
4-4-3 分析事件爆紅之可能因素 52
4-5 個案五: 54
4-5-1 個案內容簡介 54
4-5-2 觀察事件於網路上之搜尋紀錄 54
4-5-3 分析事件爆紅之可能因素 56
4-6 個案六: 59
4-6-1 個案內容簡介 59
4-6-2 觀察事件於網路上之搜尋紀錄 59
4-6-3 分析事件爆紅之可能因素 66
4-7 個案七: 69
4-7-1 個案內容簡介 69
4-7-2 觀察事件於網路上之搜尋紀錄 69
4-7-3 分析事件爆紅之可能因素 71
4-8 個案八: 74
4-8-1 個案內容簡介 74
4-8-2 觀察事件於網路上之搜尋紀錄 76
4-8-3 分析事件爆紅之可能因素 78
五、結 論 與 建 議 81
5-1 研究結論 81
5-2 管理意涵 86
5-3 後續研究建議 88
5-4 研究限制 88
參 考 文 獻 89
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28 新聞堂。Facebook中毒症候群,2009年9月20日。取自 http://www.tiff.org.tw/169
29 數位之牆。取自 http://www.digitalwall.com/
30 數位時代。取自 http://www.bnext.com.tw/
31 聯合知識庫。向陳樹菊們致敬:八成慈善捐款每筆平均六百元,2010-03-10,聯合報,A2,焦點,社論。取自 http://udndata.com/ndapp/Search
32 聯合新聞網。取自 http://udn.com/NEWS/main.html
33 蘋果日報。章魚哥太 德 意 阿迷揪煮來吃。取自http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/32636400/IssueID/20100705
34 蘋果日報。監理所內玩Facebook 公務員上班忙「種菜」,「開心農場」遊戲夯 民罵:工作太閒氣死人。取自http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/31955762/IssueID/20090920
35 蘋果日報。紅遍日韓 旋風捲至英倫《獨立報》:中國最酷男人。取自 http://www1.hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple/art_main.php?iss_id=20100306&sec_id=4104&subsec_id=11866&art_id=13792280
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