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研究生(外文):YUN-YU CHANG
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Cloud Datacenter Power Saving-The Case of Microsoft Cloud Datacenter
指導教授(外文):Eric T.G. Wang
外文關鍵詞:Power SavingComputer RoomCloud DatacenterCloud Service
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欲提升雲端資料中心用電效率,達到節能目標,必需了解雲端資料中心電力使用分佈狀況,再針對占雲端資料中用電量最大比率的部份進行用電效率的提升,如此才是最有效率且符合經濟效益的做法。勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室 (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, LBNL) 指出,資訊設備、暖氣通風空調設備 (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Condition, HVAC) 、暖氣通風空調設備的風扇 (HVAC Fans) 占資料中心用電量前三名,分別占資料中心用電量的46%、23%及8% (Tschudi, 2010) ,其中暖氣通風空調設備及暖氣通風空調設備的風扇均屬於空調系統,因此要提升雲端資料中心用電效率,達到節能目標,建議可以從電腦機房空間規劃、空調系統節能規劃、伺服器節能規劃及資料中心管理規劃等四方面進行。
本研究以微軟雲端資料中心為例,探討如何規劃電腦機房空間、空調系統節能、伺服器節能以及如何進行日常雲端資料中心維運管理,達到電力使用效率 (Power Usage Effectiveness, PUE ) 值為 1.2-1.5高效能的雲端資料中心。本研究結果可提供其它企業或學術單位進行雲端資料中心節能規劃時的參考。
The cloud service will become more and more popular in the next few years, so the cloud service providers have to build many datacenters worldwide to fulfill massive service requests. For example, Microsoft gradually invests a lot of resources in building and expending cloud data centers around the world and its servers are growing ten thousands per month in worldwide cloud datacenters. The primary considerations for a cloud datacenter are cooling and power saving plans as the center has to accommodate a high density of servers and network equipments.
The most efficient and economical method for power saving is to improve the efficiency of power usage in cloud computing data centers and meet the goal of power usage reduction. We must first understand how power is used throughout the facility, and focus the efficiency-improving efforts on the sections that consume the most power. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) pointed out that IT equipment, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and HVAC fans are the top three power consuming elements of the data center, using 46%, 23%, and 8%, respectively. As the HVAC and HVAC fans are parts of the air conditioning system, if we are able to improve the power consumption efficiency and meet the reduction goals, new layouts and power reduction strategies should be implemented in the server room, air conditioning systems, servers, as well as revamped management policies for the data center facility.
In this study, we discuss how to plan computing rooms, power saving for air conditioning and servers and how to maintain cloud datacenter to achieve PUE 1.2-1.5, the goal of cloud datacenter energy efficiency. The enterprises and academic institutions can refer to this research when planning their energy-saving strategies for cloud datacenters.
摘要 I
致謝辭 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第1章 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 1
1.3. 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
第2章 3
2.1. 資料中心電力使用效率評估 3
2.2. 資料中心電力使用分佈狀況 5
2.3. 伺服器節能科技 6
2.4. 作業系統節能科技 11
2.6. 電腦機房空間節能規劃 22
2.7. 空調系統節能規劃 27
第三章 研究方法 34
第3章 34
3.1. 研究架構 34
3.2. 研究方法 35
3.3. 研究對象 35
3.4. 資料蒐集方式 36
第四章 個案研究與分析 37
第4章 37
4.1. 個案簡介 37
4.2. 個案公司做法 40
4.2.1 雲端資料中心管理 42
4.2.2 基楚設施節能規劃 44
4.2.3 伺服器節能規劃 51
4.3. 個案發現及歸納 60
第五章 研究結論與建議 63
第5章 63
5.1. 研究結論 63
5.2. 研究建議 63
參考文獻 65
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