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研究生(外文):Chang-lin Hao
外文關鍵詞:and perceived qualityown brandbrand rights and intereststrust
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近年來台灣的量販店自行開發產品,並掛上自己的品牌,也就是所謂的通路品牌或自有品牌,如家樂福的「家樂福超值」、愛買的「Leader Price(利德派思)」、大潤發的「FP(First Price)」等。由於消費者對自有品牌的認識也越來越多,自有品牌的產生已逐漸影響社會大眾的消費型態。
In recent years, the scale of the vendor shop to Taiwan since the products, and development (hang their brand, also is the so-called pathways brand or their own brands, such as carrefour "carrefour value", the "Leader love buying Price (reed sent think)", the "big embellish FP method, Price, etc.)" we The consumers'' private brand recognition of the knowledge and the more, the more their own brands to the generation of society in general has gradually affect consumption patterns.
This study discusses scale to consumers to buy private brand shop selling goods, consumer perception of value, the perceived quality, brand rights and interests, and trust would affect its purchase intention. This study in kaohsiung, pingtung regarding the vendor shop for consumers, before a questionnaire by random sampling, 300 questionnaires were issued, actual and effective questionnaire for 231 copies. Details of the analyses the distribution, check the number analysis, check cross analysis and regression analysis, as a tool of analysis, discusses the research hypotheses of labeled.
According to this study the empirical results show that gender and buy their own brand type and buy their own brand of reason, so there is no direct relationship advice stores in the marketing industry can need not on gender segregation, and the price is cheap in addition to will impact on customer''s willingness to buy, companies can also strengthen advertising sales promotion and increase their own brand stores the purchase intention. In addition, consumers are willing to buy private brand stores is because I believe the access of the brand stores, and not the product itself, so can suggest quality stores increase their own brand awareness of access, to enhance the consumer access to the trust of the brand, and enhance the purchase intention.
一、 緒論………………………………………………… 1
1-1 研究背景…………………………………………… 1
1-1-1 零售業的型態及市場區隔………………………… 1
1-1-2 量販店自有品牌發展現況………………………… 3
1-2 研究動機…………………………………………… 6
1-3 研究目的…………………………………………… 7
1-4 研究流程…………………………………………… 8
二、 文獻探討…………………………………………… 10
2-1 知覺價值…………………………………………… 10
2-1-1 知覺價值定義…………………………………… 10
2-2 品牌權益…………………………………………… 14
2-2-1 品牌權益定義……………………………………… 14
2-2-2 品牌權益衡量……………………………………… 15
2-3 信任………………………………………………… 18
2-3-1 信任定義…………………………………………… 18
2-3-2 信任衡量…………………………………………… 19
2-3-3 信任的重要性……………………………………… 21
2-4 知覺品質…………………………………………… 23
2-4-1 知覺品質定義……………………………………… 23
2-4-2 知覺品質衡量……………………………………… 25
2-5 購買意願…………………………………………… 27
2-5-1 購買意願定義……………………………………… 27
2-5-2 購買意願衡量……………………………………… 28
三、 研究設計…………………………………………… 31
3-1 研究假說…………………………………………… 31
3-2 研究架構…………………………………………… 34
3-3 研究構面操作型定義……………………………… 35
3-4 問卷設計…………………………………………… 37
3-4-1 前測………………………………………………… 37
3-4-2 正式問卷…………………………………………… 37
3-4-3 抽樣設計…………………………………………… 41
3-5 資料分析方法……………………………………… 42
3-5-1 敘述性統計………………………………………… 42
3-5-2 複選題分析………………………………………… 42
3-5-3 交叉分析…………………………………………… 43
3-5-4 信度分析…………………………………………… 43
3-5-5 效度分析…………………………………………… 43
3-5-6 結構方程式模式分析……………………………… 44
四、 實證分析…………………………………………… 47
4-1 敘述性統計分析…………………………………… 47
4-2 複選題與交叉分析………………………………… 49
4-2-1 複選題分析………………………………………… 49
4-2-2 交叉分析…………………………………………… 52
4-3 信度與效度分析…………………………………… 59
4-4 整體模式分析……………………………………… 63
4-5 研究假說之驗證…………………………………… 64
五、 結論與建議………………………………………… 67
5-1 研究結論…………………………………………… 67
5-2 實務建議…………………………………………… 69
5-3 未來研究建議……………………………………… 70
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………… 71
附錄一 量販店自有品牌商品調查問卷…………………… 78

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